Christmas Will Break Your Heart

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It has never been my object to record my dreams,

just the determination to realize them.

Sunday, December 16th, 1973

Training Grounds, Hogwarts

If Eleonore Darensbourg had to be entirely honest, the past week went so slowly, she wasn't sure if it went backward or forward. She had stood next to her boyfriend's bed for most of her free time and ignored Sirius Black's stern gaze for the remaining time. Quidditch practice wasn't all that, mostly because the grounds were now covered in a thin layer of snow but otherwise, because a certain beater kept mumbling 'still not a good idea' in her ear.

When he said it again, about 350 feet high up in the sky, Ellie lost her patience, immediately turning her attention from the practice towards her teammate. Her eyes shifted into dead cold and somehow Sirius knew it had nothing to do with the weather. "You need to shut your mouth." She yelled, pointing her finger at him, her other hand firmly wrapped around her broom.

"Have you started it yet?" He simply questioned, putting the bat he carried casually on his shoulder.

"Don't make me kick you off your broom."

Sirius chuckled, knowing she would never actually do that. In their troubled friendship, he knew somewhere they both did care a little about one another. "I'd like to see you try." His eyes widened though when she immediately shifted her back, initiating a sudden forward movement towards him. Her broom made speed as Sirius' his moved further away. "HAMBLIN, DARENSBOURG WANTS TO KILL ME AGAIN!" He shouted loudly, hearing a whistle coming closer to their racing brooms.

"You're such a fucking pussy." Ellie muttered, still keeping her gaze on Sirius' amused faced. In all those years one thing hadn't changed, he could still draw the blood from under her nails if he wanted to.

David wasn't surprised by the combust, he had gotten used to the two of them bickering. James Potter was always busy trying to meddle things so he wouldn't hear them. If the Quidditch captain was entirely honest, he would have kicked them off the team a month ago, but he knew then his chances of getting that Quidditch cup would be close to none. David Hamblin was well aware that they were turning out to be the two most popular kids in school. Sirius Black because of his handsome features and bad boy attitude which made all the girls swoon somehow. Eleonore Darensbourg because she was starting to look more and more like she stepped out of a magazine with her pretty face and long legs and the fact that she was basically almost good at everything. Except, well, dealing with Sirius mocking her all the time.

It was still a bit too early to end practice but that didn't stop him. He whistled once more and flew back down to the ground, stepping off his broom with his team mates looking confused, "Practice is over. If you can't take this serious, then you shouldn't be here at all." David simply yelled, grabbing only his broom and walking off the field. "Black and Darensbourg can clean up the rest of the supplies."

Ellie was still hanging in the air, shock covering her face as the rest of the team flew down, a little annoyed with the two of them. "Thanks a lot Black. You've managed to piss off David, the one person no one can possibly piss off."

"I wasn't alone in this." Black simply spoke, shaking his head as even James shrugged his shoulders and walked inside the changing rooms.

"You always start it. Could you just get off my back for once? I've had enough on my plate these last weeks, okay. I just wanted to relax and play a little Quidditch and somehow you've managed to ruin that for me as well. I don't know why you feel the need to always get on my last nerves but it's getting old news, find someone else." Ellie spoke clearly, not waiting for a reply and flying off to catch the bludger.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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