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She was fierce, strong and full of fire.

That not even she could hold herself back,

Because her passion burned brighter than her fears.

Monday, December 10th, 1973

Gryffindor Common Room

"Ellie, don't overthink it, he'll be fine." James Potter spoke, noticing the look of distress on his childhood friend. "He's been through this for almost his entire life."

The black haired witch sat on one of the windowsills of the castle, looking through the window. The sun had just set and she knew Remus was now inside the Shrieking Shack, waiting for his bones to pop out of place, waiting for a scrutinizing pain. "You should be there with him already." She quietly spoke, staring at the whopping willow. "He shouldn't be alone."

"We will leave in ten minutes. We have to wait until it's fully dark, you know that." James spoke, putting a hand upon her shoulder and squeezing it gently.

"If he would just let me help him." She gnarled her teeth in slight anger. Eleonore knew how upset Remus would be if she suddenly turned up at full moon in some sort of animagus form. She cared for him enough to respect his wishes, but she also knew she was right. Things would be so much easier if she was there by his side. She was certain he'd feel better.

"Maybe he'll come to his senses in time. He's just concerned about you." James Potter answered.

"You and I both know he'll never come to his senses when it comes to me during full moon." Ellie mumbled, her eyes adverting towards Sirius and Peter coming down the dorm stairs into the common room. "You should go."

"We'll make sure he's safe." James patted her shoulder once more and turned around, checking his backpack once more. He had an extra set of clothes for Remus in there as well as his invisibility cloak. "Ready?"

"Yes, let's go." Sirius nodded his head, feeling a pinch of regret for Ellie still sitting on the window sill looking at the grounds.

"We'll see you tomorrow morning in the hospital wing, Ellie." Peter piped up quietly. In reply, she nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the Scottish night sky.

The boys soundlessly left the common room, not attracting any attention. Most of the Gryffindors thought they were going for another late night stroll. When they managed to crawl out of the portrait, James rapidly pushed the invisibility cloak over them. It barely managed to fit the three of them so they had to be careful their feet didn't show. "I feel bad for Ellie." Peter whispered, being the one stuck in the back.

"Now's not the time to talk about Darensbourg, wormtail." Sirius replied, moving along with James. They were trying not to get caught, so they had to be quiet. The corridors were stranded but he knew Filch was persistent and had the ears of a rabbit. "Let's just try to make it to the whopping willow without getting caught."

If Sirius was entirely honest, the last few weeks he had ignored a certain female third year and it wasn't because she irritated him (which he was certain of, she'd still do if they were in somewhat close contact). No, ever since she sat so close to him on that couch, ever since she had helped him remove those nasty scribbles on top of his head, it felt like he was struck by lightning. And it wasn't the good kind of lightning.

He remembered the look in her eyes, the one she had shown him at the end of their first year. When they patched things up and she wanted to speak to him about his parents. It was the same look, the appearance that she did care a little. The look that said she wanted to help him. As fast as it came in her eyes, as fast it usually disappeared but in those ten minutes, in which he sat so close to her, that expression was there.

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