Chapter 8

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No Apologies-Eminem

Well this is awkward...I used to have the coffee shop be named Jabba's Hut, but then I changed it to Java's Hutt cause I felt like that made more sense, and now I don't feel like making a new picture like this, so just pretend the cup says Java's Hutt 👍🏻? 😂

Abigail and I were driving to Java's Hutt after school

We go straight to our usual table. (it's a four person table in the shape of R2D2) it was higher up then all of the other tables and had two steps that lead up to it.

As soon as we're seated I tell her all about what happened in English class.

"No way, are you serious?" She asks, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Yes and don't you dare laugh!" I warn playfully.

She bites down on the inside of her lips but it only stops her for a few seconds before she's full on laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be laughing after all it was my message that got you into that mess but oh my that's hilarious!" She says after a few minutes of laughing.

"Yeah yeah laugh it up." I say with a roll of my eyes.

A young man walks up to our table "hello ladies, what can I do for you?" A guy with dark purple flippy hair and bright green eyes asks us with a charming grin on his face.

Abigail looks over at me wiggling her eyebrows and I just know that she's going to do everything in her power to get this guy. Abigail puts on her beautiful/seductive smile and looks at the young guy "hello..." she waits for the guy to tell her his name.

"Andy" the guys tells her.

"Andy, I'm Abigail. I can think of a whole lot that you could do for me" she pauses as she watches his reaction. I roll my eyes at Abigail's flirtation.

At first his eyes widen as his cheeks blush red, but soon a laugh escapes his lips.

"But For now I'll have a iced caramel Macchiato" she says.

Andy nods, a smile still formed on his lips. He looks over at me "and you?" He asks. "Um I'll have a White chocolate cinnamon chai latte" I say with a smile. My usual. I swear I've tried every drink in this place and that has just always been my favorite.

Andy leaves but not before flashing Abigail a toothy grin.

As he's getting our drinks, I hear the Star Wars theme song going off (which means someone opened the door) I look up to see non other than Blue Eyes walk through.

Dumb Jerk! A scream at him in my head even though I know he can't hear it.

He looks around the room slowly until he finds me, our eyes instantly lock.

His face is blank as we stare at each other.

Did he follow me here? Is that like his favorite thing to do? Follow me around? Because honestly the fact that he's everywhere I turn, is starting to get seriously freaky, there's no way it's coincidence.

I jump up out of my seat. That's it. He's so not going to just follow me around and not get told off by me, the little creep.

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