Chapter 46

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A song without a name-Johnnie Guilbert

I wake up the next morning after having the most fitful sleep I've ever fallen into. Not once did I wake up. It was calm, cozy, absolutely comfy; basically, throw in a large Hawaiian pizza and I'm in heaven.

I get out of bed, a small smile resting on my lips as I stretch out my arms yawning. After brushing my teeth and hair, I go to the bedroom closet to look for an outfit. There's multiple dresses, pants, skirts, shorts, t-shirts, blouses, sweaters, jackets, basically everything, and surprisingly, most of it is in my size. I  change into a pair of black leggings, dark blue shorts, and a black All Time Low t-shirt with a unbuttoned turquoise flannel shirt. I'm not a very big fan of All Time Low to be honest, I only like one of their songs, Something's Gotta Give, but it was the only band shirt name that I recognized out of the bunch.

I put my hair into a high pony tail and quietly walk outside my room, I'm not sure what to do or wether I should be wandering around their house. Feeling awkward, I'm about to go back inside my room when I smell bacon. I can hardly control myself as I immediately go jogging down the stairs, walking into the kitchen to find Melina whistling merrily as she bustles around the kitchen, making food.

"Hi" I say quietly but she doesn't hear me. I feel so awkward just standing here, should I leave? Should I say hi again louder? "Hello Bethany." Melina chimes without turning around. I widen my eyes in surprise "Oh, uh hey, do you want some help with that?" I ask, walking forward. She looks back at me with a kind smile, that crinkles her eyes in the corners. "I'd love some help, could you fix up the waffle batter? The recipe's right there." She gestures, pointing to the counter where a recipe book lays.

I find the waffle recipe and begin mixing the ingredients, taking extra time and care, paying close attention to make sure that I don't screw this up. I mean, how embarrassing would that be?

"So Bethany, are you from here?" Melina asks causally as she flips over the sizzling bacon. I bite my lip unsure on whether I'm supposed to mention my past or not. Adelram was so weird about it last night, he wouldn't even let me say my real name. "Uh, sort of." I answer briefly, trying not to sound suspicious. Melina pauses for a moment to raise her eyebrow at me questioningly.
"Sorta?" She asks. I bite my lip as I consider how I should reply. "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret." Melina whispers. I furrow my brows as I wait for her big reveal." I can read minds...Kamaria." Melina admits. I feel my eyes widen as I choke on my own saliva "You what?" I choke. Melina gives me a small smile "You heard me." She then continues to make the bacon while I just stand here awkwardly, unsure of what to say or do.

So she can read minds, like me. I look over at her and focus closely, curious to know what a mind readers mind is like.

I know you're reading my mind Kamaria. It's really no use, I've learned how to allow others to only read what I let them read.

Melina explains through her thoughts. I feel myself blush as I look at her in amazement "You can do that?" I question admirably. "Yes, it takes training, but it's pretty easy to get the hang of." She informs me. I start fidgeting with my hands, unsure of how to ask her to teach me. "I'll help you learn, not to worry." she winks, reading my mind. I blush again and smile "Thanks." I say.

I clear my throat, and motion to the bowl on the counter. "The waffle batter is done." I smile, and in return she points to the opposite counter.
"Great, the waffle iron is over there, do you mind making them?" She asks me. Oh no, I've always been terrible at waffles, and I mean terrible, they always stick to the iron and fall apart and over flow like crazy. "Uh, yeah sure." I say as I plug in the iron praying I don't make too much of a fool of myself.

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