Chapter 13

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As soon as I'm at Ally's house I run up to her shower and turn on the water.

I put it to the hottest temperature I can stand and step in. Washing out the yellow liquid, small clumps of banana go down the drain.

I squeeze a giant glob of strawberry shampoo into my hair and scrub like a maniac.

I want this disgusting banana smell out of my hair. I already hated bananas enough as it was, but now, now I don't think I'll probably ever eat a banana again.

Once I'm sure the smell is gone, I rinse my hair and step out of the shower, drying my hair and body.

I slip on a pair of grey sweatpants and a oversized pink t-shirt that Ally had left me in the bathroom. Then I wrap my long-to my watsr-hair into a towel, or I try really, but I fail seeing as my hair is too long and thick making the towel fall as soon as I let it go.

I step out of the bathroom and run down the stairs where Ally, Abigail, Tess, and Chloe are in the kitchen baking cookies.

Peanut butter with brown sugar crystals and a Hershey kiss on top.

When Tess sees me she smiles "hey we were hoping this would cheer you up" she says as she rolls a ball of dough into the brown sugar crystal.

I walk over to my friends and wrap them into a big group hug.

"Thank you guys so much, you're the best" I tell them before pinching a glob of dough and popping it into my mouth.

Moaning at the beautiful taste of peanut butter.

After they stick the cookies into the oven we all walk into the living room and slip John Tucker Must Die into the DVD player settling into the couch.

Halfway through the movie we're all chomping down on peanut butter cookies and talking about how badly guys suck.

Of course Chloe and Ally disagree seeing as how they have like perfect boyfriends.

But Tess and Abigail talk about guys as if they're the devil himself.

Even though Abigail is guy crazy, so I know she's just saying this to make me feel better, so I jump in talking about how guys can kiss my you-know-what.

We all laugh and a few minutes later somehow the conversation takes a turn and suddenly we're talking about how Allie Hamilton should have stayed with Lon Hammond instead of Noah on The Notebook. How they hell they came to that conclusion is beyond me. And then of course that somehow brings the conversation to how they should have ended the Batman movie series with the Joker killing Batman.

I'm laughing really hard at something Chloe had said when I get a notification on my phone.

I pull it out of my pocket to see a group message on Facebook from my dance coach. Chloe, Tess, and Ally all pull out their phones to look at their notification.

We're having dance practice today after school from 3:30-5:30. (And you girls that skipped-you know who you are-are also welcome)

I look up at my friends "are you guys going?" I ask. Abigail looks at us and frowns "going where? I feel so out of the loop, why didn't I get a message?" She asks.

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