Chapter 52

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I Will Follow You Into the Dark-Death Cab for Cutie

I wake up the next morning, my back pressed up against a hard chest, completely spooned. I open my eyes and look around, my mind still in its groggy state and unable to process where I am and who is holding me. I turn my head around to see Adelram's peaceful face sleeping quietly next to me.

I watch as his closed eyes flutter almost unnoticeably, his full pink lips curved into a small, almost nonexistent smile. He looks so relaxed, so calm and peaceful, I can't help but watch as his head slightly moves back and forth as he breathes in and out.

Suddenly his eyes pop open, a look of confusion washes over him, but almost as soon as it appears it's gone, and is replaced with wide eyes and a look of horror "oh my god are you like... a rapist or something?" He asks in an overly nervous voice.

I feel myself blush from being caught staring at him. I furrowed my brows in confusion "w-what? No!" I exclaim, sitting up.

"You're lying, I totally just caught you undressing me with your eyes," he claims.

I roll my eyes trying to play it off cool even though I'm blushing a deep crimson "shut up, I was not" I retort.

"I feel so exposed!" Adelram blurts as he dramatically covers his private area.

I scoff "screw you" I joke.

"You wish you could" Adelram hints, winking at me.

I groan as my cheeks only heat up more. I quickly get out of bed, wanting to escape this awkward conversation I got myself in.

I exit his room and began to walk towards the bathroom at the end of the hall, when Everette walks out of there, his eyes immediately focusing in on my chest.

After what Adelram told me about Everette's abilities, I feel my cheeks flare even more than I thought possible. I instantly fold my arms over my breast "eyes up here bud" I remind him. Everette looks up, not a hint of embarrassment in his expression. He smirks at me "nice boobs" he comments again, winking at me before leaving down the hall.

What is with the Zayas boys and their smirks and winks? It seriously gets annoying.

I run into the bathroom and close the door before stripping my clothes and entering the shower. Letting the cool water rinse down my body.

At first, all I can do is replay moments from last night, a smile inching the corners of my lips skyward. Until all of a sudden a thought comes to mind, today is the last day for training. I have to leave first thing in the morning if I'm going to save Abigail before Slyder kills her, and just like that all of my previous joy, smile, and excitement drain out of me completely. I need to train the hardest I've ever trained today, I need to stay focused and in control, I have to be a strong warrior, I just have to, for Abi.


"Combat? As in hand to hand combat?" I question for the third time in a row.

"Yes, I'll be teaching you hand to hand combat," Mr. Komachi announces yet again.

"But... why? I thought you were supposed to be training me on my powers," I say dubiously.

"But I've already trained you on your powers, and while you still haven't reached your full potential, I don't believe you should focus solely on your powers. No one should depend only on their powers, you need to be able to fight hand to hand just to be sure," Mr. Komachi explains, though it still doesn't make much sense to me. Why can't I rely solely on my powers? Telekinesis, mind reading, and burning light thingy should be more than enough to save me, it's much more reliable than a punch here and there, but I don't argue after all, according to Adelram, Mr. Komachi knows best.

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