Jonny Frost

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Jokers POV

"Okay then." I said picking up (Y/n).

I knew this would happen. I mean I highjacked the buss at like 10:30, then we drove here. By the time I was done showing her around it was already 12:25. Then I was in my study working on my next scheme, thinking about this mysterious girl, for about thirty minutes so it would have been 12:55.

After a couple of minuets we arrived at the room I had Frost, my most loyal henchmen, set up.

I put (Y/n) down on the bed.

She was beautiful...and strange. I thought it was weird how she kept starring at me when I highjacked the busses. It was like she wasn't afraid, or she was just very good at hiding it. She seemed unfazed until I showed her my playroom! That's when I knew she was truly afraid...and I mean how could you not be!

I looked at (Y/n) again.

"Goodnight hot stuff." I said smiling, silently laughing to myself.


(Y/n)'s POV

~ A couple weeks later ~

I woke up in my bedroom at Jokers yet again.

I rolled over and looked at the clock. I read 12:50 pm. Not surprising. I stayed up late and got up late, as usual.

I got up and went in the bathroom. There was a note on the mirror.

I'll be out for a few hours. See you soon.
P.S. There's some new clothes in the closet for you.

I picked up my hair brush and brushed my hair. I put it in a loose bun. I washed my face and put on some light makeup.

I walked out of the bathroom into my bedroom. I liked it.

The bed was comfy, the walls were my favorite color, the closet was huge, and the bathroom was really nice.

I opened the closet and found lots of new clothes all different colors and styles. I looked through it for a while, I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear. I finally decided on a comfy shirt and yoga pants.

I put them on and walked back over to the bed and saw my phone. I grabbed it and walked out of my room.

I took the elevator down to the first floor. I got out and saw one of Jokers goons.

"Hi." I said smiling lightly and waving a bit.

He nodded and walked away pretty fast. I wasn't surprised though, all Jokers goons run for the hills when they see me. I didn't know why, but I was becoming used to it.

I walked down the staircase and into the kitchen.

There were lots of goons in here finishing their lunch I guess. They all turned and looked at me.

"Good morning." I said and once again they all scurried away like rats. I was left alone in the kitchen.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong. They're all just scared of you."

I turned to see a man still sitting at the table.

"Why?" I said slightly startled.

"Cause your J's property." The man said.

"Excuse me?" I said putting a hand on my hip. "I am a person, I am not property"

The man laughed. "J said you were feisty."

"I am not! Wait...what else did J say about me?" I asked, mocking the mysterious man.

He stood up, walked over to me, and held out his hand "I'm Jonny Frost, Jokers second hand man."

I took his hand and shook it. "Wow, quite the accomplishment. Good job. Really, you deserve an award. Now tell me, if your his second hand man, why aren't you with him right now?"

"Because I was assigned to stay here and watch you." Frost said plainly.

"I can take care of my self thank you very much." I said walking past him to the fridge opening it.

There was lots of food, for all the henchman. I got out some waffles and syrup.

"You never answered my question ya know." I said turning around.

There was no one there.

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