Ryke and Kate

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It was good to be skating again. I hadn't done any in the off-season, and I'd missed the rhythm of it. Skating drills in the chill of our arena gave me that eager pre-season itch. I loved hockey bone-deep. The smells of sweat-stained leather gloves and stale popcorn made me feel at home, no matter where I was.

"Pass it, asshole!" Luke growled at me. I looked over and eased the puck his way with my stick.

I'd been distracted thinking about Kate. When she'd reached for my mug after we finished our coffee this morning, our hands had touched, and the way she'd looked at me . . .

Kiss me, Ryke. I knew it was what she was saying. Fucking knew it as sure as I knew anything. The fluttering eyelashes and parted lips said it loud and clear.

But I'd backed away. She didn't really want it, I knew. Or she did, but didn't. Fuck if I could even keep it straight anymore. Not touching her was nearly impossible. I often had to put my hands in my pockets to avoid it.

"You're thinking about Kate again," Luke said when we stopped for a water break, our skates spraying snow onto the rink wall. I shook my head and glared at him.

"Fuck you."

"What? Fuck her and be done with it, man. Or fuck someone else to get her off your mind."

"I'm not obsessed with her, you prick," I said, still panting from the exerting skate. "Don't try to read my mind."

Victor Stein slid to a stop next to us. "What's up, big boy?" I said, grinning. Victor was a 6'6" defender who was 240 pounds of solid muscle.

"Hey Vic," Luke called. "When Ryke's distracted, who's he thinking about?"

"That hot blonde he calls his 'assistant'," Victor said, smirking as he air quoted.

"I'm thinking about Dawn, asshole," I said. Hearing his wife's name wiped the smile off his face. "God, I love the way she screams my name. Does she let you pound her ass, or is that just me?"

He shoved my shoulder and I shoved back, sending him sliding backwards a couple feet. He was heading back for me when Coach Renner's bark stopped him.

"Ladies, save it for a game! Get your asses back to work!"

"You better watch it," Victor mumbled toward me.

I grinned and skated away. My excitement today wasn't just from the familiar feel of my skate blades gliding over the ice. I'd called a sporting goods store on the way to the rink this morning and asked them to deliver camping supplies to my apartment. I was spending the entire upcoming weekend with Kate, and at night, we'd be alone in a tent.

If I could help her let go of her fears, it could be the end of the dry spell for both of us. Hers was longer than mine, but three plus months was a hell of a long time for me. Since I'd met her, it wasn't just sex I wanted anymore. It was Kate. Vulnerable, sweet, sexy little Kate, who was making me wonder if maybe there was such a thing as a second chance.

Chapter 8


I shook my head as Ryke bent down to rearrange items in the back of the Mustang. It was packed tight with what looked like enough supplies for a month-long excursion.

"That's a lot of beer," I said, counting four cases stacked up on the seat.

"With so many of us, it's not that much." His voice was muffled as he rearranged things to make room for my bag.

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