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Jayy's POV

I looked over the plan and nodded. This plan might actually work.

"So everyone knows what to do?" Caleb asked. Everyone nodded. If you're wondering what's going to happen to Caleb, Trent and Matt when I get home and where are they going, well Matt and Trent are going to live together in the same apartment as Blake and Caleb is going to live with his best friend who lives in Nevada. Caleb looked around and grabbed the paper with the plan on it. He put it in his drawer.

"Plan goes into action tomorrow. Everyone pack light. Everyone has a backpack right?" Caleb asked looking around.

"Yeah" everyone mumbled. He nodded and started packing his clothes. Everyone started leaving until I did something unexpected.

"Thank you." I whispered softly. Everyone looked at me with their jaws dropped. Ever since I got here I haven't said a word to anyone. Next thing I know I'm tackled by everyone into a hug. I smiled and tried to get them off. They all got off and helped me up.

"No problem Jayy!' Trent yelled happily. I smiled and they all left the room. Caleb patted my back.

"Start packing." he said with a smile. I smiled back and started packing. All I packed were three shirts, two jeans and my ipod. I left some of my clothes that I didn't really need and my phone since it's useless now. Once I put my backpack under my bed I laid down and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Sean's POV

I curled up next to my pillow sobbing. How is Casper so sure that Jayy is looking for me? I bet he doesn't even know where I am! I buried my face into my pillow and shook as I cried. I heard the door open and close. I heard a sigh and felt my bed move. I felt a hand pull me up and pull me into a hug. I sobbed into Caspers shoulder since I already knew it was him. He patted my back as I cried softly.

"He's coming for you Sean. Don't worry." he whispered.

"How d-do you k-k-know?" I asked more like stuttered.

"I just have a feeling. Trust me okay." he said. I nodded and buried my head in his shoulder.

Blake's POV

I picked out Spencer's favorite cereal and put it in the cart. I pushed it forward and turned into the other aisle. I grabbed two gallons of milk and pushed the cart forward. As I walked through the aisles I couldn't help but think of Jayy. Jayy. He's the only thing on my mind 24/7. I sighed and continued walking. A silent tear fell but I quickly wiped it away. I walked over to the check out line and placed my item on the black moving thingy. (I have no idea what those are called .___.) Once they got check out I paid for them and grabbed my bags. I headed for my car and put them in my trunk. I drove to the apartment and grabbed my bags from the trunk. I closed the trunk and locked the car. I walked into the lobby and went to the elevator. I went to my floor and walked to my room. I set some bags down and opened the door. I grabbed the bags and walked into the kitchen. I set them on the table and closed the door. I walked into my room expecting to see Spencer but he wasn't

there. I walked into Jayy's old room but he wasn't there either. I looked everywhere but he wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom but it was locked.

"Spencer?" I asked. Silence.

"Spencer....?" I asked. No response.

"Spencer!!!" I yelled while banging on the door. No answer.

"Spencer! Spencer! Spencer!" I yelled while slamming into the door. I finally busted it open to see Spencer unconscious on the floor with blood around him. Tears sprung out of my eyes at the sight. I ran over to him and shook him.

"C'mon Spencer. Wake up." I cried. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed 911.

"Hello what is your emergency?" the woman asked.

"My friend... he-he tried to commit suicide. I can feel his heart beating but it's low." I cried.

"What is your address?" she asked. I gave her my address and hung up. I held Spencer close to me. He's like a brother to me. I rocked Spencer and I back and forth as I looked at his pale face. Why would he do this? Then it hit me. Sean. He misses Sean. I cried out. He needs Sean.

T H E E N D !!!


Hi I read through a lot of these comments. I know a lot of you are mad or disappointed on where this story has went. However I did warn everyone how unrealistic it is. Disclaimer I wrote this story at age 13/14 I think. I don't plan to edit ,and I know it has hella mistakes but comments are funny to read.  I'm just keeping the memory I have from it.

But I thank you for making to the end of this story, and the sequel is out . However that is unfinished.

Xoxo Jane Doe❤️

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