01 ‖ The Psychotic Prince

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My mouth hangs in disbelief as I rub my eyes for the millionth time, praying internally that the plumes of smoke engulfing the once ecru, now blazing duplex is merely a wicked trick by the eyes

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My mouth hangs in disbelief as I rub my eyes for the millionth time, praying internally that the plumes of smoke engulfing the once ecru, now blazing duplex is merely a wicked trick by the eyes.

"The party's pretty lit don't you think? Get it? Because the building's literally on fire right now." A husky chuckle travels from behind as the man takes a step forward. He then drapes his left arm around my shoulders.

Looking to the side, I am instantly mesmerised by his eyes which are the blue of mountain lakes. It is almost as if the luminosity of the flames is nothing compared to his blonde luscious curls that shone as they reflect each wavelength of light from the blazing inferno glaring right at us.

I know, he sounds like the typical ideal fictional boy that we girls would probably be drooling over. However, trust me when I say that he is definitely far from typical.

"Seriously Dom? At a time like this?" Rolling my eyes, I hastily shrug his arm off my shoulders. "Where is Casimir?"

Upon hearing my question, Dominic negligently scans our surroundings before giving a nonchalant shrug. "Who knows, he could be sleeping in the building right now for all we know but what's there to worry about? He's Caz, he does all sorts of things and always finds a way out."

Tilting his head down to look at me, he notices the worry smothered on my face and continues.

"School's starting tomorrow. Let loose a little Rissa, you're too uptight. You have to live a little while you're young. Don't ruin that precious face of yours with wrinkles from all that frowning you're doing."

"I might have done lots of things in life Dom but I'm certainly not fireproof or dumb enough to sleep through a fire." A tall silhouette emerges from the flames together with an adorable baby pomsky that rested in his arms.

It is undeniably impressive how his chestnut hair had managed to remain satiny and tamed despite the mess he probably had to go through to keep the puppy unharmed.

"Bailey! Thank god you're safe! Thank you so much your highness for keeping her safe!" A petite blonde girl runs up to Casimir as he carefully hands the puppy over to her.

I was bewildered.

Did she actually thank the man who first of all, set her house on fire? Secondly, he basically ruined her 18th birthday party by putting her puppy and everyone else's life at risk. Thirdly, he set her house on fire. 

Yes, I know I already mentioned it, but really? Do people enjoy living in a pile of ruins and ashes now? If so, please let me know, I think I'd be great at real estate.

Noticing the look of disbelief plastered very evidently on my face, the prideful brunet then approaches me triumphantly. "And this Larissa, is what I call a masterpiece."

I give him a blank stare.

Absolutely insane.

The man standing before me cannot possibly be next to the throne of Acreria. Perhaps his parents had accidentally dropped him when he was a baby. That had to be the case because only then would it explain his nonsensical behaviour. His brain had to be somewhat damaged.

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