14 ‖ Fiancé Of The Ex

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I dash out of the hut, tailing behind the agitated prince

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I dash out of the hut, tailing behind the agitated prince.

"I won't let you die. Not you, not anyone here."

Clearly, something had to be bothering him.

"Stop following me and go back inside, Rissa." Casimir orders sternly, without looking back as he continues straying away from me.

Being the stubborn person I always have been, I ignore his command and continue to follow him in silence.

It does not take long before we step foot at the entrance of the cherry farm. There are so many trees, that from where we stood, you could not see the end of it.

Casimir glances at me and sighs in defeat.

"You really have a death wish, don't you?" He asks rhetorically.

He then moves behind me and covers my face with a cloth before tying the ends into a knot.

My heart flutters instantly and I could feel myself stiffen up.

"Alright, just promise not to touch anything. Only observe," Casimir instructs while tying a cloth over his own face before heading into the farm.

I nod my head instinctively. I could hardly process what he had just said. Not because he made no sense but rather because of how flustered I felt. My heart would not stop pounding rapidly.

Is this how Rosalia felt around him?

Shut up Rissa, don't be ridiculous. You have a job to do.

Composing myself, I trail behind Casimir.

Everything seems perfectly normal. Nothing seems to be out of place. The cherries are coated in a bright red and they look perfectly ripe. Maybe the issue does not reside in the cherries.

We scout the area tirelessly but to no avail. Nothing seems out of the ordinary.

"Anything?" Casimir calls out from a distance, his voice audible despite being slightly muffled by the cloth covering his mouth.

I shook my head in despair.

He gives a thumbs-up in acknowledgement and continues to survey his surroundings thoroughly.

It had to be something.

Something had to have induced Aria's reaction but what exactly could it have been?

Think Rissa, think.

She could not have ingested the cherries. After all, they had yet been washed and she would have known that.

It could not have been something that she had witnessed. Otherwise, she would most likely have alerted those in her surroundings.

Is it perhaps the air? Could she have inhaled something toxic?

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