Aww, Good Ferret

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After six hours of Madam Pomfrey's fussing, she finally let me go. I passed the Great Hall. Ginny grinned at me and waved. I smiled a little and waved back, but kept walking to the Head's Dorm. 

I couldn't feel anything, even though I was perfectly healthy. So, Malfoy saves me from Lavender, and then he basically says that there was something wrong with him saving me. Makes me feel bloody fantastic. 

I could feel the tears coming, I really wished sometimes that Ginny and I has separate rooms, because I'm sure she's on her way here right now, because I skipped dinner. Although, I couldn't blame her. I'd do the same if she were in my position. 

Speak of the devil, I heard the portrait slam open and Ginny's voice, "Hermione!" I groaned and buried myself in the covers of my bed, tears still streaming down my face. "Sorry, it's Harry. Leave a message and come back later!" I shouted, my voice muffled by the covers. 

"Hermione?" She asked, her voice soothing. I sobbed. "What happened?" she asked, "Who do I have to hex?" I sighed, "Me." I muttered. "What? Oh for Merlin's sake 'Mione. Tell me!" I throw the covers off, "He doesn't like me! I'm not going to have a boyfriend! And I got hexed by that bloody idiot Brown!" I exclaimed, tears streaming. 

Ginny tried to shush me, I quieted down a little. Then, the door knocked. Whoever knocked didn't even wait for us to breathe, he walked in. 

Malfoy stood there with one of my hoodies, "You left this on the couch-" He stopped and frowned at me, "Are you alright?" His expression was genuinely concerned. I sniffed and wiped my eyes and nodded, "Sure." I turned to Ginny, "I think I'll sleep in the common room tonight." She frowned, "Out there?" I shook my head, "No." 

I walked to the door and passed Malfoy, accidentally running into him, "Sorry." I muttered and walked out. I was going to the Gryffindor common room. I was allowed to, mostly because I was in charge of all prefects. 

Neville had come up to me yesterday and told me the new password, he kept his promise. The fat lady looked at me expectantly, "Alohamora." She nodded and let me in. It was right after dinner, so there were quite a few people in the common room. I just hoped there were a select few who weren't. 

I saw Harry and Ron playing Wizard's Chess, and Ron was not doing too hot. Of course, he didn't really mind, because Lavender was there to comfort him. I saw Harry's look of disapproval, and his disgusted look every time they kissed. I laughed at how childish he looked. 

Ron must have recovered quickly if he was already back in the common room. 

Harry looked up, he beamed, "'Mione!" I smile, "Hello, Harry." I say. He ran over and hugged me. I laughed, "I've seen you seven hours ago, Harry." He sighs, "I know, but the last time I saw you, you were laying in the hospital wing with Malfoy looking after you." My smile turned into a frown. 

"What's wrong," then realization hit him, "Oh no. Did he hurt you. Come on, we're going to Dumbledore." He grabbed my arm, ready to haul me off to the Headmaster himself. He was such a big brother. I laughed, which seemed to concern Harry even more. "No, Harry, He didn't hurt me," At least not physically, "He didn't do anything, honest." Harry let go of my arm, "Oh," he scratched his neck in embarrassment, "No offense, but why are you here? I mean, I'm really glad you're here and all." He gave a disgusted glance at Ron and Lavender, who weren't even pretending to care I was here. "But, why?" 

I smile a sad smile, "It's a long story. I just needed to get out of Malfoy's hair," Or life, "For a while." Harry nodded understandably. "Well, there is an extra bed in the boy's dormitory. You can sleep there. All of the Girl's are full." I was contemplating it and shrugged, "Sure." I was really tired. 

She's Mine -- DramioneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora