An Overexcited Ginger Who Kept Giving Her, The Look

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I heard a scream. Not just any scream, her scream. After the dreadful day at my Manor. Potter, Weasel, and Granger had been caught by the snatchers. Weasel and Potter were thrown into the dungeons, while my crazy aunt Bellatrix had her way with Granger. 

Her screams still visited me... in my nightmares. 

I ran out of the castle to see her standing there, grinning, tears spilling out of her eyes, arms out wide, screaming. The wind and her hair were having a full on battle. She didn't seem to care. In fact, for once, the Brightest witch of our age didn't seem to care about anything. 

I smirked at her. She looked free. As if she was letting go of all of her problems, allowing them to be swept up by the wind that was knotting her hair together. 

Once she was done screaming, I walked over to her. I stood behind her and whispered in her ear, "I didn't know you could scream like that," She turned around so fast, I got a nice serving of her hair in my mouth, I grinned, "I bet I could make you scream like that if we went back to the dorms." I winked at her and she gave me a confused look. I raised my eyebrows suggestively and it finally got to her brain. 

She gasped and slapped my arm. I chuckled. She rolled her eyes. "What do you want Malfoy?" She asked, gazing off at the guidditch pitch. I smirked, "For you to come to the dorm." She glared at me and I laughed, "Not for that," I assured her, then smirked, "Well, I mean maybe afterwards." I blocked her hand before it could come in contact with my cheek. 

She growled at me. I laughed and grabbed her hand, pulling her along. She rolled her eyes, but allowed me to drag her along. That was unusual, but I wasn't going to comment on it. She'd either slap me or run away. And I realized I didn't want either. 

We reached LuLu's portrait and she giggled, looking at our thighs. What was so funny about leg muscles? I wondered. Then, I look down, realizing what she was giggling about. Our hands. Intertwined. Together. Granger let go, cheeks red. I raised an eyebrow at LuLu. 

"So childish." I muttered. She pouted and folded her arms over her chest. "Password." She said stubbornly. I rolled my eyes, "Pumpkin Juice." She huffed, but allowed us to enter. 

Luckily, Blaise and Weaselette were not there. I sat down on the Slytherin side of a couch, Granger sat on the other half, which was Red and Gold, Ugh Gryffindor. 

She sighed, "Well, thanks for scaring the crap out of me back there." I raised my eyebrows at her, "You got scared! I thought my Aunt was paying a friendly visit." Granger raised an eyebrow and rubbed her arm. "She's dead." I nodded. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever, at least you weren't going to tumble down the hill if it hadn't been for a stray root in the ground." I shrugged, "Whoops." 

She raised an eyebrow at me, "Whoops? You'd better have a better apology than that."  I laughed, "Oh come on, Granger. You know I suck at apologies." she shrugs, "True, but I like making you mad." I roll my eyes, "I can tell." 

It was silent. It was kind of awkward, I guess she decided to break it. "So, why exactly am I here?" she asks. I roll my eyes, "Pretty sure you live here." she smacks my arm, "You know what I mean." I grin and nod. 

 "I wanted to a-apologize." I looked down. I looked back up at her and saw she was trying to keep a straight face, "What?" she picked up a Gryffindor pillow and covered the smile on her face, even though I could picture it clearly. "Nothing, continue."

I roll my eyes,  but then I looked back down, "I'm sorry for all of the things I did." she removed the pillow. "What?" I didn't look her in the eyes, I couldn't. I could feel her eyes on me, it was harder than I thought it was going to be.

 "I'm sorry for-for calling you mudblood, and taunting you, and treating you the way I did." I saw her tilt her head and look at me. I finally met her eyes, "Can you say something, Please?" I asked. She smiles, "How am I supposed to compare to that?"

I nervously laughed, "By kissing me back." she raised her eyebrow. Oh bloody good job Draco. What a great thing to say. Ugh that was the cheesiest thing I've ever said in my life. 

 "Alright." She said. My breath caught. She leaned in, a grin on her face. So, I leaned in too. 

I'd like to say it was a wonderful kiss. I mean it was. Oh very. For the whole two seconds it lasted. 

The common room door flew open and Blaise ran in, "I called it! You owe me two galleons, and you owe me two galleons." He points at Weaselette as she came running in. She waved Blaise off and took Grangers hand, "Come on lover girl. We've got lots to talk about."

She rolled her eyes and winked at me. I smirked as the door closes. And I got a good glance at Granger, who was left with an overexcited ginger who kept giving her, the look.

I looked up and saw Blaise roll his eyes,  "Well It's about bloody time." I laughed and nodded at him. 


 Lol, two updates in one day, Merry Christmas Y'all :)

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