I really hate that spell

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It was the last day of April. I couldn't believe it. Tomorrow, there would only be a month and a week more of being at Hogwarts. Where would I go? I have no parents to go to. I guess I could live there alone.

I didn't really want to think about it.

"Malfoy! Get out of the bathroom!" I yelled, it was too late to put up with his shit. I heard a groan. "Malfoy?" He groaned again, then I heard a choking noise. "I'm coming in." I said. I waited a minute. I opened the door to see Malfoy laying on the floor, leaning over the toilet. "Oh my merlin!" I said, running over to him.

"I think I'm done." He croaked. I nodded, "I'll get you some water." I grabbed my wand and levitated a glass over. "Thanks." He groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He glared at me, "I'm sick Granger." I roll my eyes, "Is it just your stomach?" I asked. He nodded.

"Well, get in bed." I said, standing up. He shook his head, "No. I have to patrol with you." I smiled, "You're sweet. But, seriously, you need to rest." He tried to protest but I stopped him, "Honestly, Malfoy. I can patrol one night without someone." He frowned, "And what has happened several times we've visited around the castle?"

I frowned, "Panic attacks." I muttered. He heard, though. And nodded. I shook my head, "It's fine. Okay?" He frowned, "If you don't come back in thirty minutes, I'm coming for you." I laugh and nod. "Alright."

I laughed and smiled as I left the Head's dorm. He was sweet when he was over protective.

I toured the castle for a while, avoiding certain places. I had been out for about 25 minutes and only had to check the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. I sighed, "Well, at least Malfoy won't have to come looking for me." I muttered.

I opened the door and saw nothing. Although I did hear the door to the professor's office creak. I frowned and walked in. The door slammed behind me and I knew... I was screwed.

"Shit." I hissed. "Ooh, Language, 'Mione." I looked up to see... "Ron!?" I looked around for anyone else. Sure enough, Pansy sat in the corner, looking smug. "Ron, what are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer my question, instead he said, "Expelliarmus!" He yelled. My wand flew out of my hand. I went to grab it, but he said, "Incarcerous." I saw the ropes spring out of the wand and wrap around me. I thrashed around.

"Ron! Why are you doing this?" I yelled. He flicked his wand and a rope wrapped around my mouth, gagging me. He cleared his throat. "Well. I think I'll answer that question later." He said.

I yelled at him through the rope. It came out as a strangled whimper. He laughed, "I have a question, 'Mione." He said, removing the gag momentarily. "Why isn't Malfoy with you?" I glared at him, "Because I made him stay." He nodded, "And why is that?" I glared at him, "Why should I tell you?" He growled, "Crucio!"

Screams escaped my mouth. No. Not again. cuts opened on my body. It felt as if an imaginary knife was creating a carving in my body. My hands tried to scratch my body. I was extremely happy he had bound me. Then, It all stopped. I gasped.

"Always answer my questions." He snarled. I spit at him. He laughed, "Answer the question, 'Mione." I glared at him, "He's sick you bloody-" He cut me off, "Nuh uh, I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you."

He smirked evilly at me, "You think it's just a coincidence that Malfoy got sick tonight?" I frowned, "You didn't..." He nodded, "Oh, but I did." He laughed, "I snuck a little extra in your boyfriend's drink tonight at dinner." I glared at him.

I answered your questions, now you answer mine." I stated. He shrugged, "Let me guess, your question is..." He paused, "Why are you doing this?" He asked. I I raised an eyebrow in confirmation.

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