Chapter 16

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"Kkkaran Bhai?"

Karan was surprised hearing his name from Khushi mouth. His heart filled with happiness knowing his sister still remembered and recognized him. He quickly went near her and caught her hand and assured her that he was here. The family members were flabbergasted seeing Karan and Khushi bonding. Only Arnav, Aman and Divyanka looked normal. Kavya came forward, "Bhai, Do you know Arnavji's wife?"

"Yes, I know her, She is our own blood sister. Your elder sister and my younger sister."

"Bhai is she our Kavi???" asked Khushi pointing towards Kavya

"Yes Khushi, Kavya come here" Kavya came closer and sat next to Khushi. Khushi quickly hugged her little sister.

"I missed you and Bhai so much Kavi" said Khushi hugging her sister.

Kavya came out of hug and held her brother's hand.

"Bhai, why were we living separately from Khushi Di?"

"Karan Bhai, where were you and Kavi all these years and why is your name Malhotra?"

Karan took his sisters hands and was getting enough strength to tell the truth. His wife Divyanka put her hand on his shoulder to offer him some moral support, giving him strength to speak.

"I will tell everything to you all. Khushi and me belonged to a middle class family. We were not rich, but our father provided everything a child needs. Our mother gave us unconditional love.


"Amma, tell Karan bhai to give me my doll back." Cried 6 year old Khushi hugging her mom's 8 month pregnant belly.


"You know what this monkey did, She told my friends that I watch Powerpuff girls" whined 12 year old Karan.



Sukanya Sharma closed her ears, "Alright , Now you both stop fighting. Karan, You are a big boy now. If you sister made a mistake, you should forgive her and Khushi, You should not embarrass your brother like that in front of his friends. Say Sorry to each other."

"Sorry Bhai" said Khushi holding her ears. Karan removed her hands and said "I am sorry too, Choti"

Just then Krishna Sharma entered the house and was welcomed with his daughter running and hugging him like always. He kissed her cheeks and got out a jalebi box and gave it to her. "Jalebi? Kaha sain Babuji?" asked Khushi. "From where? It is from your favorite mithai vala, your Shashi Mausaji" said Krishna. "You are the best babuji" She kissed his cheeks and took the box and went to her brother to share her jalebis.

Sukanya gave a glass of water to her husband and watched her kids enjoying jalebis. "Is everything ok? Did you finish your work in Lucknow" asked Sukanya. "Yes, Sukku. I got partners for my textile business. We are going to rich enough to provide our kids with all luxuries. How is my little one doing" said Krishna touching her belly.

"Yes, the baby is fine. How are jeeji, jeejaji and Payal Bitya?"

"They are fine. They are one happy family. Finally Garima ji got her happiness."

"Yes, she was betrayed once and lost any interest in marriage. She never told who it was. But I am happy that she found a person like jeejaji and now she is very happy with a daughter of her own."

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