15 Kill Me Now

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*unedited :/ sorry guys for it not being edited*

Draco's POV

"So, we are going to start off with vowel sounds. Okay?" Charity explained. I nodded in response.

"Okay. Repeat after me. Oooo"

This is stupid. "Oo-oooo" This hurts worse than I thought. It's like something is trying to climb up my throat using a knife.

"Good, it hurt didn't it?" Charity asked. I nodded.

"Repeat after me, aaaa"


"Good, eeee"

"Eeee" I looked over at Charity and gave her a questioning look.

"You think this is pointless don't you." I nodded.

"Well it's not. This helps you be able to pronounce words correctly. You haven't talked in three days. You need this." I guess that makes sense.

"Now, ahhh"


"Excellent, ohhh"


"Say, a, e, i, oh, u"

"A, e, i, o, u"

"Great! Does it still hurt to say vowels?" I shook my head no.

"Awesome!" Charity squealed, "Now say cat. But hold the a out until it hurts"

"Ca--t" I was able to hold it out for ten seconds.

"That was excellent Draco! You might get out of here quicker than I thought." Yes! *fist pump* Sooner the better!

"Slow down there cowboy, we aren't even half way done yet." Yet again Charity ruins my hopes and  dreams. I am hoping you read that as strictly sarcasm.

"Now repeat after me, carrot cucumber. " Seriously?

"Carrot cuc-cuc-" owwww

"You got this Draco, come on!" Charity cheered me on.

"Carrot cuc-cucumber." This is no fun at all.

"Yes! Bravo Draco! Bravo! Hard vowels hurt your throat, so we will being doing tons of those," Charity cheered

"Ok-okay," I tried. I saw a smile creep onto Charity's face, which made me smile.

"How is your throat doing? Use your words to answer."

"It is feeling better than before. But it still hurts," I managed to say.

"Wonderful! I think this will be a wrap for the day. Good work Draco. Also, I am very happy to see you again," with that, Charity started walking away.

"Draco! Oh Draco! Hermione! Hermione is awake!" Madame Pomfrey said urgently while running out of her office. She is awake? Awake?! I have to go to her tight now. I can apparite there. I looked over to Charity and she was already smirking at me. I shook my head at her with a smile on my face.

"Harry, Ronald, and Ginny are on their way over here now, we will all leave together. I don't want Hermione to get confused when she hears multiple cracks," Madame Pomfrey explained. Looks like all I have to do is wait for a few minutes before I can see my Mimi.


I see her eyes opening! Im sitting right next to her, like on the bed next to her. I want to be the first person to see when she wakes up.

"Hey beautiful," I said as her eyes opened. My voice did not sound very good. It was all scratchy and quite, I couldn't speak much louder then a whisper.

"Hey Draco," Mimi said back. She didn't sound so good either.

"Hey shh, the doc said it will take a few days before your voice will go back to normal," I managed to say. After everyone got settled in we all just chatted waiting for the doc


All of a sudden Mimi started coughing uncontrollably. The doctor just turned the coner so we can yell for help. Oh no, no, no, no. She is coughing up blood!

"Hermione your coughing up blood! Blood! Fight this Mimi, fight it! You have the strength to live. Stay alive! Do NOT close your eyes. I will not lose you for a second time! Somebody push the nurse button NOW!" After I finished yelling Mimi started to crouch around her stomach like someone was stabbing her there. This can NOT be happening right now!! Im not even thinking about my voice right now, I only care about how my Mimi is doing.

" 'Mione keep your eyes open, please! Stay with me!" Ginny cried desperately.

"I'm-I'm so-sorry," were the last words I heard come out of Mimi's lips before she passed out.

"She can't be gone! She just woke up! Hermione!" I fell onto her hospital bed and bawled. I couldn't handle anything. I blocked everything out. I felt someone pulling me to my feet, I walked with the person holding me up. I didn't want to trouble that person even more then what just happened with Mimi. My Mimi. How could this happen? She is so good! Nothing good should have to go through so much pain like my Mimi has. She better be okay. If she is, then I will dance on Dumbledors grave and praise the one who kept her safe from death. If she does die, I see myself prancing around Voldemorts grave and summon him to kill every doctor and nurse who helped with Mimi's case.

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