20 Epilogue Part 2

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I know that this chapter has been a long time coming. I wrote, and rewrote, and rewrote this chapter. I never could get the right ending. Now I have. I hope this ending is worth the time it took me to write it. I love and completely adore you readers. I have been a horrible author to you guys for not updated regularly. I am extremely grateful for guys and I hope that you recommend my book to all those Dramoine fans out there!

--Love Venus <3

"Why is Aunt Ginny crying?" I asked? Nothing made sense. It was hours until it was actually time for me to graduate. There shouldn't be a need for any crying until then.

"You know why sweetheart." Mum answered. Um, no I didn't. " I really don't mum."

She rolled her eyes at me. "Seeing you in your graduation gown has really getter her emotional. You remember us talking to you about how you weren't suppose to live past the age of 10 right?" Wait what? Really?

"Not at all mum. That doesn't make any sense. I'm perfectly healthy. Wait, is that why whenever we go to the doctors you guys go off and talk in another room? And why I go once a month?" Logically it makes sense, but my mum would tell me that I'm basically a walking zombie. Right?

"You were born with a congenital heart defect. Your heart couldn't survive for long outside the womb. The doctors said that the only chance that you at some sort of life was if the they did a risky surgery. They said that it was a 50/50 chance of survival. Your dad wanted to go ahead and do the surgery. I didn't. All I saw in my head was my poor, tiny, newborn baby lying on a cold, hard, steel table with tubes coming out of her, dead and solemn faces on every person in the room. I didn't want the last few hours with my child to be in a surgical room, without me. Your dad was able to convince me that ten years totally out beats just a few short hours with you."

"I know about the surgery, how could I not? The scar on my chest gives that away, but I really was only suppose to live till I was ten?" I interrupted. My mind can't comprehend everything.

"Yes, that's one of the reasons you have to go every month. One, to check how healthy and strong your heart is, and two because the doctors have no idea how you are still alive. Your a miracle to them. My miracle. I am so blessed that your dad persuaded me to do the surgery. I am so blessed to be able to see your beautiful face every day." So in reality I am a walking zombie. I can't believe was only suppose to live until I was 10. Maybe now that I know, I can listen to what the doctors have to say now.


30 Years Later

"Life has been good to me. I have a loving, devoted husband, and 4 beautiful, bratty kids. I know mum is very happy that I out lived her, but I really do miss her. Life has been different with her gone. Dad hasn't been the same. She was the light and joy of his life. I don't think he'll be on this earth for much longer. Living without mum has really taken a toll on him. She lived a full life. She's seen the world. She's loved her heart out. She was ready to go on. Only we weren't, and still not, ready for her to go. Us kids have been so blessed to have her as our mother. She really knew how to give advice. I strive to be as good as a mother as she was. She loved every one of us kids, and grandkids. I know that she knows that we love her so much. We love her enough to move on, to not be sad anymore. Just because we move on from her death, does not mean that we forget about her. I will never let a day go by without thinking about her. Mum, if you're listening right now, I love you, I miss you, and I will always be your little miracle." I started crying as I walked away from the microphone. I miss her so much. The funeral is hard for everyone. Mum was loved by all. The only person who didn't come was dad. He has been locked up in his room ever since she died. It's as if when she left, she took him with her.

"That was a great speech sweetheart. You got everyone crying. Even the men. Everyone has moved into the reception area. I think we need to go in, so everyone can do their part by giving you and your siblings their condolences," with that, my husband lead me into the sea of sorrow.


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