Chapter 12

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"Seraphina, are you alright?" His voice came from outside. The concern was evident.

"You can not expect me to wear this !" I shrieked, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"It didn't fit?" He enquired.

I didn't answer. It did fit. It fit like a glove, hugging every part of my body. That was the problem. It was by far the most fancy thing I'd worn in my life.

And the prettiest...

The only thing I was comfortable with were its full sleeves, even the neckline was deep. I ran a hand over the shimmering fabric. It was so rough on the outside and yet on the inside I could barely feel it.

"Sera?" He was worried now.

I'd cleaned the dirt off after the fight and combed my hair so I didn't look half bad but it was extremely strange. Never in my wildest dreams had I actually thought that I would wear something fit for a Queen.

The door burst open and in came Dominic. His eyes raked over me and he stood gawking. I met his intense stare and stood awkwardly.

"Um..." I gulped, "It fits."

His reaction was to offer me his hand, silently. It was a little scary. Walking out of the room, we came across Ariadne.

"Hello, your highness, Seraphina." She greeted us cheerfully.

"Hello." I muttered while Dominic gave a curt nod.

"You look absolutely stunning!" She seemed to be more excited than I was.

"Thank you." I smiled even though I didn't necessarily agree with her. That's when she noticed my feet and gasped in horror.

"How can you wear boots?!"

Dominic also looked at my feet and frowned.

"Your highness, there must be something else in the Queen's cupboard." Ariadne suggested.

"The boots aren't even visible." I muttered. Dominic gave my hand a small squeeze.

"I'll take her to the room upstairs."

"I actually came to ask what colours I should look for in my shopping trip." Ariadne looked at me expectedly.

"Uh..." I thought about it for a moment. Everything I'd owned after running away from my house was either black or brown. They were the cheapest fabrics in the market and also provided a good disguise.

"Get them all." Was Dominic's reply and then he started dragging me. This time, we were going towards a different side of the hallway.

"Alright!" Ariadne called out.

"Where are we going ?" I questioned.


Frustrating man!

"Yes, I know that. What I meant is why?"

"Then you should've been clear." He muttered and I didn't know if he was serious or just being sarcastic.

We came to a really dimly lit passageway. The stairs this time weren't spiral, and not as narrow either. I focused on not tripping because of the way Dominic kept dragging me up.

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