Chapter 38

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"I need to be alone." I said.

"Sorry." Leo said, "that's not happening."

"Leo." I squeezed my eyes shut with frustration.

"Start talking." He said, taking a seat besides me. "Your brother said he didn't want to go against your wishes but I suspect it was only to rile me up."

"You aren't completely wrong." Jace admitted with a chuckle, dragging a chair to my other side.

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?" I asked Leo.

"Absolutely not." He grinned, "So start talking. I might just get a golden opportunity to punch Dominic in the face."

I told him, as briefly as possible, what had happened.

"Don't leave." Leo said, "he didn't mean it."

"You don't know that." I whispered.

"I do." Leo insisted, "and so do you. He needs you more than you need him. He may not see that very clearly but I do."

"He is correct." Jace said, "as much as I hate to say it."

"About ?" I asked, doubtfully.

"About both the things." Jace said, "I don't believe he meant it either and I know for a fact that he needs you."

"I will make sure he apologises." Leo said with a grin that was too big to be innocent.

"What are you going to do?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh you'll see." Leo chuckled and turned to Jace. " are you in?"

"That depends on what you're planning." Jace said, cautious.

"It involves messing with Dominic." Leo said.

"I'm in." Jace grinned, "He needs a lesson."

"I couldn't agree more." Leo said.

"Lesson?" I frowned, "what lesson? What are you going to do?"

"Like I said." Leo laughed, "you'll see."

With that mysterious message, Jace and Leo left. I shook my head wondering what they were up to. Grabbing a few books, I decided to read them in the gardens.

Finding an empty spot wasn't very difficult. Everyone was busy with their own work. I noticed how two of the guards kept following me around. I imagined it was Dominic's doing. Thinking of him just made me want to burst into tears once more.

"Hey!" I heard a cheerful voice call out. Ariadne was making her way to me with Jace in tow.

"Can't a person live in peace around here?" I rolled my eyes at Jace.

"Absolutely not." Ariadne informed while Jace chuckled.

"Why are you both here?" I asked.

"Leo thought it would be a good idea for you to step out of the palace." Jace said, "don't worry. You'll be safe. We're coming with you."

"That makes me feel a lot better." I said, "you got caught by soldiers of Isolde, Jace."

"On purpose." He smiled.

"And we're going undercover." Ariadne grinned, "We are going to the market as normal public. Trust me. No one will notice."

"This isn't a good idea." I warned.

"Oh come on." Ariadne insisted, "it'll be fun. We won't go far. Just around the palace."

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