Chapter 46

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I heard mumbling at first, followed by a hand on my shoulder.

"Wake up." Ariadne said, "We're almost there."

I forced my eyes open. Travelling had taken a toll on me and I was extremely tired.

"Look." She said, pointing out of the window. It was a palace, huge in size. Big enough to rival the one in Chant.

"We're here already?" I stretched, regretting it instantly. My back was still sore from the wound.

It had been a day and a half since we'd had the encounter. Things had not been pretty. Jace and John weren't talking to one another, the man we'd captured had made multiple attempts on his own life. He was terrified of John, who had gone from extremely warm to ice cold since the incident. In the short time that I had known him I had learnt a few things about him. He was quick, calculative and ruthless in his decisions regarding matters of the kingdom.

All in all, it had been an uncomfortable couple of days both physically and mentally. I was hoping that reaching the capital would change that.

"I'm dreading it." Ariadne sighed.

"Don't." I said, "everything be fine."

At least I hope so.

It did occur to me that she probably knew the people of Ralia better than I did, having spent more time with them. Even before, she'd been sent to spy on them.

"Yes I know." She said, "that's not what I'm worried about."

"What is it then?" I asked.

"I'm just an outsider." She shrugged, "I don't know how to deal with all this. Dinners and lunches...functions...meeting new people."

"Ariadne, you're better with people than anyone I know." I laughed, in disbelief that she was worried. "I don't understand where you're coming from."

"I've only been Ariadne in my home and everyone knew me." She explained, "everywhere else, I've always assumed a role. Sometimes for spying and sometimes not."

"Yes, but you've been here before." I said, "You know these people better than I do."

"They're your people, Seraphina. Your mother was their princess. You are their princess. I' one. No one of consequence." She said, looking down at her lap.

"That isn't true. You and Jace have something special."

"I know it enough?" She whispered.

"I think so. He did stand up for you against John." I reminded.

"He did." She smiled to herself.

"So that's why you were smiling." I concluded. "Back at the border."

"No." She shook her head, "it was because of what Gari did."

"Gari?" I frowned. There was just one Gari I knew. It was my imaginary lover.

"He addressed you before John." She smiled, "it was a subtle message. They see you as the Queen. They're under your command."

"I...don't understand." I frowned, "isn't it supposed to be that way?"

"Usually, soldiers tend to answer to a male authority. It is a really stupid custom." She rolled her eyes, "Gari just proved to John that Isolde was different."

It meant a lot to know that they respected me enough to do so.

"I see." I nodded, "and his name is Gari?"

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