Chapter 57

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Her sword never touched me. As soon as I shut my eyes, a warm feeling spread through my body. It began from my abdomen and the intensity of it made me gasp. The heat didn't hurt me, it only grew outwards.

There was a scream and a clang of metal hitting the ground. Cautiously, I opened my eyes. Kaili was gone. Her body turned to ash. The fear in Nish's eyes told me that something extraordinary had happened.

My baby...

My unborn child had cast a spell so powerful it had burnt Kaili entirely. No other explanation came to mind. Dominic wasn't near enough to have done it. It was our baby this time, I was absolutely sure. It had protected us both. The knowledge of its raw potential was scary and relieving at once.

"You're no magician...." Nish frowned, taking a step back.

"No." I grabbed Kaili's fallen sword and stood up, pushing myself up with my last bit of strength, "I'm not."

Outside we heard chants of victory again. Isolde had won.

"Long live the King! Long live the Queen!"


My heart raced, he was alive. It was all that mattered to me in that moment.

"I will end you myself!" Nish growled, taking a vial out of his pocket. It glowed a sickly green.

The explosive?

"It's over Nish. You're dead either way." I muttered, knowing in my heart that it was true. He was going to die today.

The warmth emanating from my belly combined with sheer will kept me from giving up and collapsing. That and the fact that Dominic was alive.

Nish pull his hand back, getting ready to throw the bottle with as much force he could muster and my mind raced. I was confident that his aim was horrible, what I didn't know was the amount of damage that little bottle could cause.

I knew that the chemical needed air and impact for activation, if I could force it to break mid air perhaps we could survive. I surveyed my surroundings, trying to find something that could alter the explosive's trajectory.

Suddenly, the bottle flew from Nish's hand and into the corridor, unopened. He turned around and gasped, walking backward at a speed that should not have been possible for someone of his stature.

There was only one person that could invoke that much fear within him. Just one person with the power to stop an explosive with such ease.

"You're here." I cried out, a laugh escaping my lips. As I dropped against the wall, I realised just how tense I'd been the last couple of days.

Without him...

Dominic entered the hall in three determined strides towards Nish, catching him by the throat before he could move. He looked unhurt which was all I cared about.

"I promised you didn't I ?" Dominic muttered, "I will make you suffer."

"Just kill him." I sobbed, causing him to look at me. Taking in my condition, his eyes blazed.

"Hahahhahaha" Nish laughed, "you're weak...little prince."

The taunting pissed Dominic off more and he slammed Nish into the wall.

"Don't torture him. Don't keep him anywhere near us. End him. Please." I begged, my hands resting on my belly.

"Go ahead. Do it. I dare you." Nish growled, "Be like your father. Weak."

Something snapped within Dominic and he threw Nish against the floor.

"Burn." He muttered and I watched as Nish screamed.

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