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Picture of Naomi Samson

Chris's POV

I looked at the time as I walked to my window to see Emily crying. This could be all my fault. I saw the gang over in my room. "Who's the girl?" I turned to see my dad. "A girl my love, you idiot". I said as he laughed. "Future gangleaders don't fall in love and they only have a fling". I walked to him and I gave him a look. "You just had a fling for my mother for many years right?" I walked out as I walked out on the road. Then I heard screaming and I turned to see Emily. "Chris moved!" I was too late.

Emily's POV

I was listening to my music as I put on "Uncover".

I saw a car speeding and Chris walking in the middle of the road. I started screaming at him as he turned. The car was coming closer, but he was to late, the car driver drove off and I walked over to him. I lead his head on my lap and I played with his hair. "Emily princess?" I looked up to see dad. "Call the ambulance now!" He ran back in the house. I looked at Chris and he moved as I hold him down. "Chris, don't move". I said as he opened his eyes and I rubbed his face as he then shuts his eyes. "It's going to be okay Chris". I said as they came over with the bed. I watched him as I heard a gun shot. I ran into my dad's arms.


I walked into his hospital room and he was still sleeping.

Chris's POV

"Chris, you have a visiter". The nurse walked out the room and I saw Emily standing there. "Oh, your awake". I smiled at her and I held my hand out as she takes my hand. I pulled her hand and I kissed her hand. "Thank you". I said as she smiles and I saw a tear fell down her cheek. "For what?" She asked as she leaned closer to me. I pulled her chin down as I kissed her. "I'm just really scared about what happened next with us". I kissed her head and I moved her hair back. "I need more time to think about it". I nodded as she pulled out a blue marker and she wrote something on my plasta class.

Next Day

I woke up and I saw my dad on the chair. "Hey son". I watched him walk to me. "We need to talk". He closed the door.

Sorry short chapter

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