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Picture of Justine Louis Ross

Week Later

Emily's POV

I was with Justine and the girls for our summer prom. My phone buzzed and it was from Dad.

Dad: Justine is a Ross now. She is your sister

I then hugged Justine as she hugged me back. "You are a Ross now and we are sisters". I said as we all smiled. "To celebrate lets go get ice cream and then shopping again". Riley said as Justine hugged her. Then I bump into Chris and he rubbed his neck as he looked down.

 Then I bump into Chris and he rubbed his neck as he looked down

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"Hey". I still didn't want to talk to him, but I then saw him looking at me as he lift his head. "Hey". Chris replied back as Justine and the girls walked away from us. "Emily, please talk to me". I don't know what to do, like right now and parts of my feelings are telling to go and stay. "About what Chris?" I asked as he looked around and back at me. "I fucked up and I want to make it right". I shake my head and I felt a tear falling. "Chris, you hurt me big time and I don't know what to do since I'm confused about everything of what you had done". I said as he shakes it off. "Gave me a call after I can which off my humanity of some people. But I hope you don't get jealous when I take someone to the dance". He said as he walked away and I walked to the girls. "He is such a jerk". Riley said as I rolled my eyes and walked to the ice cream parlour. There this really cute guy in front of me and he walked to us as he stood at our table. "Hi cute boy, that my sister his crushing on you". I felt my cheeks going red. I saw him laughed a little bit. "Well, what's your name little one?" He seems some nice as I saw Naomi raising her eyebrows at me and Lacey just smiles. "Justine". I then looked outside to see Chris with Bailey and the girls saw the guys as they walked outside as I stood next to the guy. "I'm Emily and you are?" I asked as I leaned closer to him and he smiled. "I'm Nathan". He said as he moved my hair back. "Your so beautiful and I just wanna.." I said know what to say, I just kissed him and not knowing what the heck I was doing. He looked at me and I saw Naomi hugging Justine and I looked at Nathan again. "That's what I wanted to do... Yeah". I just smiled and he kisses me. "I have prom on Friday and I was wondering if you could be my date?" I as he said yes. "Tomorrow after school I'll pick you up and we can hang out for our date?" Nathan asked as I smiled. "Yes, sounds amazing". Then I saw Chris walking in with Bailey. "I'll catch you guys later". That's all what Chris said as he walked away with the slut. "Nathan thanks for coming even if it's not your day". I think his boss said as he said no worries and he said he'll back a second. "Sissy, I want to go home". Then Braydon walked in and then curried Justine. "I'm going home now, so I can take her". I nodded as they walked out. "Our parents wants us home". The girls said as I nodded and we hugged as they walked out. "Where's your group?" I saw Nathan on my side. "They left and I'm on my own for the rest of the day", we walked out together and we stopped at the bus stop. "Do you want to hang out?" I simply nodded.


I was watching him clean the mess of his baby brother's food mess. "My dad left my mum, sister and I three years ago with my grade 5 teacher". Nathan said as I walked to him and I felt really sad. "I'm sorry". I said as his mum came in and she looked like she was drunk. "Hey kids, I'm going to the club... Sessions ya Nathan and Tesss". Then I heard the door opened and shut. "Sorry about that... The house is to ourselves and we can do whatever we want". He said as he pulled me to the couch and I sat him down as I sat on his lap. "How about we skip the whole getting to know each other part?" I just laughed.

Sorry short chapter, had a busy day

-My Pretty Kittens

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