Chapter 1: The Past and the Present

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   There was once a time when the three kingdoms were united and both humans and creatures alike lived in harmony. My mother used to be the most beautiful princess in the kingdom of Tritania and was beloved by both humans and creatures. She was soon to be wed to the prince of Deltania which would secure the two kingdoms.

 Unfortunately, there were many rebellion groups that were against the unification of the two kingdoms. There was talk amongst the Tristanian's that the Deltanian's wanted nothing more than to overpower the three kingdoms and reign over all the land. 

Everyone was afraid and they feared the worst for the kingdoms that were soon to be unified. Unbeknownst to my grandfather the king of Tritania, my mother and Deltania's prince were very much in love. Due to the constant talk about Deltania's true motives my grandfather broke off the unification with Deltania and instead retracted to the kingdom of cyrcania. 

The truth was that Cyrcania was the kingdom that wanted to secure all the power and Deltania was only caught in the crossfire. My mother refused to give up her love and paid the price with her life. My grandfather without knowing that my mother was pregnant had her locked up in the asylum. He vowed that my mother would never see the light of day again.

 He would rather have her die in the pits of hell and to suffer in loneliness than to marry the prince of Deltania. My mother never saw Deltania's prince again and soon gave birth to a baby girl which she named Oriana. My mother always told me that she had named me after a dark flower that was so rare and beautiful, that it only bloomed in the darkest depths of the forest under the moonlight.  

The man who unfortunately was my father was soon married off to a wealthy merchants widowed daughter which constantly bombarded my mother with painful thoughts and memories. No later than a year, my father's wife gave birth to beautiful baby girl. The news of this caused my mother great grief. The nurses constantly gossiped about the fact that my fathers daughter was not his which would have been great news to my mother if her derailing health would of allowed it.

Most of my family, including my grandfather had no idea that I even existed. None of them could even fathom the pain and suffering they had caused me and my mother. While they enjoyed the finer things in life, we were forced to endure life in a dark and desolate room. 

After my mother was gone I contemplated the revenge I would bestow on my father and grandfather. Although my father never meant to harm us, he never once thought about what had happened to my mother or questioned whether she was still alive. He eventually forgot his love for my mother and without knowing what had happened to her let her die alone and forgotten in a prison that no mere being deserved.

 Although I still held anger and resentment towards my father, that didn't compare to the amount of hatred I held for my grandfather. He was the reason my mother was locked away for so many years. Not once did he ever come to see his only daughter, but instead had another daughter in her place.

 The nurses outside my cell would constantly mock my mother by telling her that her sister was much more fair and beautiful than she was. I would usually think about ways to make the nurses pay for the pain they would inflict on my mother with their gossiping, but it would just be wasted energy. The real villains who deserved all my hatred were my father and grandfather.

 It's been two weeks since the death of my mother and I am still stuck in this hell. My father's daughter is soon marry the prince of Cyrcania and my grandfather has put his daughter in charge of his kingdom. Although I don't get out at all, I've developed keen hearing senses that always allow me to stay informed of the news going around between the nurses.

 While they gossip about everything like a pair of wild geese, I listen patiently and learn as much as I can from the books my mother left behind. The main reason I'm not a bumbling idiot, it due to the fact that my mother had received many books from the nurses after she pleaded with them to allow her to have reading materials.

 She spent her every waking moment making sure I had as much knowledge as possible. Now that my mother's gone I have no reason to stay here. I must find a way to escape and enact my revenge. I have a feeling that my opportunity to see the outside world will soon be in my grasp. If I continue to stay here any longer, I will surely go mad. NO! I won't stay here and die like my mother, I will make sure everyone remembers who she was and who I am.

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