Chapter 3: The Arrival

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    I was led into my new home and placed in the middle of an empty room that was filled with beautiful paintings and large windows over looking the garden. After an hour, a woman with the grace of a swan and beautiful long dark hair entered the room and observed me for a while before speaking a word. She was Gwenovere, the queen of Cyrcania.

She told me i was very beautiful for a gutter rat and that she was very intrigued with my eyes. As she cupped my face in her soft hands, she uttered the words, " you will do just fine for my son". I had no idea what those words meant, but i was already planning to make my escape when the time was right.

She began to explain that i was brought there to please her son and to one day give birth to a son with eyes as beautiful as mine. To her it was a family custom to breed people of the highest beauty and eloquence and although i wasn't of royal blood, my son would be.

At that time, they had no idea that i did have royal blood running through my veins. They saw me as a worthless being who had something they needed. I would soon meet her son, but before i could, i would have to be prepared for him.

I had no idea that i was in the kingdom of Cyrcania, the very kingdom that played a part in my mothers death. All i knew was that i could stay there no longer. I had no intention of fullfilling their plans and getting out of their kingdom would be a hard task.

The room that i was given was so small and damp that i felt like a broom, waiting to be used when sweeping was needed. Although it was cold and dark, i felt at ease. As night fell, the circular window above me let the moon appear closer and more beautiful than ever.

As i stared at the moon, the loneliness and sadness that i felt at that moment, seemed to wash away. Before i knew it, i was fast asleep. I awoke to the sound of music playing loudly on the outside of my bedroom. As i opened the door of my room, i was startled by a lady in a bright lilac dress.

I was to be prepared for my meeting with prince Adrien and although i was to be his 'enchanted lady', which was a nicer way of saying mistress. I had to be bathed, clothed and taught to behave in a proper manner.

You would think i was being prepared for my wedding, but the truth was that the prince was to be married to the princess of Deltania who happened to be my step sister. It seemed as though fate was on my side. Soon enough i would be able to enact my revenge.

After hours of preping and learning proper etiquette, i was allowed to roam the outside grounds of the kingdom. During my lessons i was able to memorize the entire map of the castle and kingdom, which i knew would come in handy. Although i was never able to learn much during my younger years, my memory was always my greatest asset.

Outside, it was wonderful to feel the wind through my hair and smell the aromas that surrounded me. The brightness of the day was so enthralling, that i never wanted to be indoors again. The inhabitans of Cyrcania were beings with beauty so mesmorizing it was almost overwhelming.

The sigil of the Cyrcanian's was a swan with its wings extended outward. I knew that for them, beauty was everything. Past the gates of my new home was a town filled with beings of different shapes and sizes. At every turn i was met with judging eyes and scornful stares. My plain clothing was definitely unacceptable in Cyrcania.

I know i could of found a way to escape at that very moment, but i knew i had to gather up my strength and devise a plan before i did anything. As i walked back to the grounds of the castle, i was met by anger from the queen. She quickly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into the parlour.

As she sat me down, she left without saying a word which seemed to be a habit of hers. As i heard the door begin to open, i sat up straight and looked foward. I suddenly felt the cold touch of finger tips on my shoulder and i knew it wasn't the queen.

The fingers which had touched me, belonged to the prince. His white long hair and bright blue eyes were so unforgettable even when he wore a mask. Before he uttered a word, he gave me a smirk and sat across from me.

All he said was, 'what a pretty mouse you are'. I should of been offended, but part of me knew i had to remain silent. After a while of silence and odd glances, he told me i would meet his bride to be tomorrow. This whole arrangement was strange to me, but to them, it was perfectly acceptable.

Originally i was to be bought as a maid, but his mother took one look at my eyes and knew that she had to have them. I was like a cow that was bought for milk, but instead became a prized cow when they saw my golden milk. I know that comparison is humorous, but thats exactly how i felt.

After meeting the prince i couldn't stand being in the same room with him. He was so foolish and frustrating. His constant smirking made my blood boil. After we parted ways, i was glad to be apart from him. His presence irritated me to no avail. He spoke to me as if i was an idiot and treated me like a child. I would have to find a way to wintstand his antics if i was to survive.

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