Chapter 2: The Escape

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      The sound of the rain outside my window has kept me awake for quite a while. I know it will soon be time for my daily dose of crazy pills and for my torture device to be removed from my body. I now know that my torture device was to make sure I kept an hourglass figure since today is the day I will most likely be sold to a wealthy family.

 Now that my mother is dead and no one knows I exist, it is a perfect opportunity for the nurses to make me into a useful object. They had all been anticipating the moment my mother would die so that I would be useful to them which is why they kept me in perfect condition.

 They consider me to be a rare gem due to my purple colored eyes. If I don't take this opportunity to escape today, then I will never leave this place or I will just end up in a worse prison than the one I'm already in. As they dress me and prepare me to meet my masters, I prepare for my escape.

 As I take a step outside my prison, I look behind and say goodbye to the home I've always known. I suddenly feel very overwhelmed and  i find myself falling over until I completely black out. As I wake up, I find that I am no longer in my room, I am in what looks like the infirmary awaiting to be diagnosed.

 With all the strength I have left I pull out all the needles connecting me to a strange white machine and look for a way out. As I look out the door the brightness of the outside blurs my vision. I take a moment to compose myself and try to adjust my vision. It's been such a long time since I've seen much light because my only companion has been the darkness. After what seems like forever I am able to see without strain and luckily no nurses have come to check on me.

As i quickly start to think of a way out i hear footsteps getting closer and i realize i must find a way out soon. I have no time to panic, so i gather all my strength once again and run out the room down a dim lit hallway. I run into a door on the left and luckily the room is full of white nightgowns, as i grab one as a disguise i hear someone coming into the room and i quickly hide near a cabinet full of medical supplies. 

I try to minimize my breathing as much as possible, but i fear they will soon find me. As i hear the footsteps fade, i run out of that room and speed my way through the dark lit rooms without looking back. When i finally reach the last door that leads to the outside im blocked by a giant creature who could kill me with the palm of his hand.

I try to silently sneak past it, but to no avail because i am thwarted and lifted of the ground into a small room surrounded doctors. As they grab me i kick and claw to break free, but soon i fall to the ground feeling weakness in my entire body. I wake up with a severe headache and am met with anger by the nurses. My clothing is drenched in blood from what i assume was caused by getting knocked over the head by the doctors.

They tie me up in chains like an animal and drag me to what looks like a giant ballroom. As i look to my right, i realize im being led to a glass case that's placed right in front of a large group of people. They remove the chains and push me inside that glass case.

Fear sweeps over me and i think of a way to escape or... No, i can't think like that. I have to make sure my mother gets justice. I can't hear anything their saying outside the glass case, but i can see the crowd holding wads of paper in their hands.

Im smart enough to know that im being sold of like a prized animal. After what seems like an eternity, the case is opened and i am dragged out and thrown in front of six people dressed in fine clothing and wearing masks. I am picked up off the ground and taken to their carriage.

I was glad to leave the home i knew behind, but would the place i was going to be any better? The entire ride to whatever was awaiting me, was met by complete silence. None of them uttered a single word to me.

The only thing i was met with was the blue eyes of a stranger with hair as white as snow and a smile that sent shivers down my spine. As i took a look outside the carriage, i saw we had entered the gates of a large home with vines of roses surrounding the building.

The carriage came to a halt and as i was dragged out, i stood frozen at the place that would now be my home. I had no idea what awaited me, or why i was brought her, but i would have to make the best of it.

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