Chapter 5: The stranger with the sad eyes

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For the two days leading up to the ball, I had scrubbed every inch of the castle. My body felt as though it would crumble due to lack of sleep. For those two days I had seen no trace of the masked stranger who had left me with a strange pendant. I had this wild idea that he had left me with this pendant as a way of telling me he'd be back or that he was watching me somehow, but that sounded ridiculous.

He probably pitied me so much that he decided to leave me with something that wouldn't make me feel so alone. I hadn't even seen his face, but I still couldn't get him out of my head. Part of me was glad that he had left without a way for me to contact him, he was slowly starting to sidetrack me from my ultimate goal.

I knew I didn't have much time left to enact my plan because Queen Gwenovere would be announcing prince Adrien's and Princess Lucinda's engagement tomorrow night. As soon as they'd announce their plans I would have to prepare to give future king Adrien a male born heir with white hair and violet eyes. It was  shocking how far these people would go in order to have the perfect human.

The queen wasn't much for my sun kissed skin, but she figured my eyes were all that mattered. It sickened me to be thought of as some breeding machine, but I wouldn't be there for long and I had bigger things to worry about. That night prince Adrien cornered me in my room and ordered me into his bedroom.

He removed his clothing and as I turned my face to look away, he let out a cynical laugh. He wasn't planning on sleeping with me tonight, what he wanted from me was to annoy me with his idiotic antics. He led me to his balcony where he had a large bathtub in the shape of a swan. As he stepped in, he asked me to wash his hair and although I hated him, I felt unworthy touching him. I was full of dirt and filth.

His snow white hair was as soft and beautiful as that of an Angel. I obviously had no idea what an Angel looked like, but if I did he would surely be one. I couldn't stop myself from looking at his body that seemed to be glowing with the light of the moon. As he caught me staring, he rose his palm and placed it on my cheek. I was so confused by his gesture that I fell backwards and hit my shoulder on the handle of a huge concrete vase. The pain was excruciating, but I held in my groans and asked to be excused.

As I tried to get out of there as fast as I could, I was stopped halfway by Adrien's demanding voice. 'Who said you could leave?' is all he said to me as he dragged me onto his bed. He asked me to unbutton my blouse and nodded at my swollen shoulder. I had no idea why I was being so complacent with everything he asked of me, but I was.

He rubbed my shoulder with some herbs that he had obtained from his mother's garden and the sensation of the herbs made me feel numb all over. I could not feel the touch of his fingers on skin, but the thought of it made me nervous. I'm not saying I have feelings for this pathetic and arrogant prince, but he was definitely handsome. 

In a matter of two days I had been shown kindness by two different men who only confused me more than I already was about everything. After prince Adrien was done bandaging me up, we locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity. He quickly turned away from me and asked me to leave. It was the first time I had ever heard him stumble on his words. Did I make him nervous? I doubted it, maybe he was just sick of being around someone as insignificant as me.

I had no place being there and they would soon be rid of me. I just needed to do what I came to do all along and then I'd leave back into the dark hole I crawled out of. I was met in the hallway by Queen Gwenovere who seemed bothered by my presence every time she saw me. She only wanted my violet eyes that I hated so much. My mother used to tell me, 'Oriana, always remember that your eyes hold all the beauty of the world.' As a child I always believed her words, but now I know that my eyes only hold pain. Every time I look in the mirror and see my eyes, I envision my mother with the exact same eyes full of sadness and loneliness.

Queen Gwenovere warned me that I was not to corrupt her son in any way. I was to remain as far away from him as possible until I needed to fulfil her ultimate goal. She was so bothered by me being there that she sent me down into the deepest part of the castle where I was to polish every portrait and painting I saw down there.

After I was finished, I went upstairs and hadn't even realized I had spent another entire day without sleep nor any light. The brightness from the rising sun outside was painful to my eyes, but I wanted nothing more than to feel the warmness of the sun. I preceded to the outdoor corridor where I was met by the dark stranger who had been so kind to me. He didn't utter a single word to me as we watched the sunrise together. I had so many questions and I wanted to see the face of my mysterious friend, he probably didn't even think of me as a friend, but I found solace in his presence.

As I tried to inconspicuously sneak a peak at his face, he turned to me and proceeded to stand as close to me as possible. Under the cape and mask that covered his face, I could see that his eyes had a hint of sadness. For that moment I had forgotten about all my painful memories and suffering. I wanted nothing more than to help this mysterious stranger. As he noticed the worry on my face, he leaned in to my face and placed his lips on mine.

His lips were as cold as the morning air and as sweet as honey. The way he kissed me made me feel as though he needed me as much as the body needed air to breath. The way his tongue danced with mine made me feel faint. I felt like I had known him all my life and for that exact moment I had no worries, I felt complete and safe. What was he doing to me?

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