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It had been the best day of Idira's life. Cross-legged, she sat on the bed and gazed at her handiwork, the pages spread out across the bed cover. She had learned to trace out all the letters of the alphabet. She had even managed to write out a few of the easier ones on her own, without the tracery. The first word she wrote was her name. She looked at the page, her heart bursting with pride, that was her name and she had written it out, all by herself.

On the next page was Myra's name, and then Benny's, and finally on the last page, written out with great care, was VanCleef's. She couldn't wait to be called downstairs so she could show the others what she had accomplished. Nin had been generous with her praise as Idira worked. When her tutor departed just before dinner, Idira had overheard her telling Lanira in the hallway she thought Idira was an extremely bright child.

Tomorrow they would continue their work, but Idira couldn't wait. She pulled out her colouring book, and on a blank page at the back she tried writing her name again, though Blackie kept interrupting her by chasing her pencil. The door opened. She looked up, Lanira came in and moved to the bed. She looked over the pages, silent. Her eyes lingered on the one with VanCleef's name. She picked it up and looked at it, expressionless. After Nin had left, Idira had drawn a little stick figure picture at the bottom, of VanCleef holding her hand in front of the door of the big house. Lanira set it back down in exactly the same place. Idira caught her wiping her fingers on her skirt, discreet. Lanira nodded at the door.

'Benny's just arrived and is waiting in the yard at the back,' she said, turning to leave. 'I'm to have you in Myra's room before he is brought in.' She stopped and looked back at Idira. 'I have spent the entire day trying to reason with your stubborn sister, but she has this hare-brained idea Benny will be able to fight his way out of this house with her by his side. The girl can't even walk, what's he supposed to do, fight and carry her? I want you to promise me if he agrees to such a mad thing you will hide under the bed. I don't want to see you hurt.'

Idira glanced down at the pages in her hands, her heart sinking, all she wanted to do was see Benny, give him her present, and ask him about the violet light. But Myra had lied to VanCleef, so there was bound to be trouble ahead. Idira probably wouldn't even get a chance to ask Benny anything before everything went wrong.

'I promise,' she answered, quiet, organising the papers so Myra's lay on the top.

Lanira's face softened. 'I've been hard on you, haven't I? You have proven to be a sweet child, though a little disobedient at times. If anything happens today, you will always have a home with me. My little one went to the Light years ago, but her room would suit you well, should the worst happen.'

Idira looked up, her own troubles forgotten. 'You lost your little girl?'

Lanira pressed her lips together and nodded. 'She had a sickness even Arinna could not cure. Kara was your age when she—' she shook her head, and pulled the door open wide, blinking back tears. 'Come, now is not the time.'

Idira followed her minder down the stairs to the landing on the second floor, seeing her with new eyes. Lanira had lost her child, and Idira had lost her mother. Why did everything have to be so broken and unhappy in the world? Why couldn't VanCleef have the money owed to Papa and the other workmen? If the people in Stormwind had only paid what they owed, Idira would never have come here, the chickens would never have been taken away, and Myra and Benny would still be together planning their wedding and their move to their little farm in Elwynn. Papa would be leaving for Redridge to build his house. The maid would never have died.

So much unhappiness, most of it caused by money.

They approached the door to Myra's room. Two new men stood outside it, even meaner looking than the ones from the day before. One of them had an iron collar around his neck. He looked twice the size of Benny, the massive muscles of his upper arms bulged under their leather wrappings. He glared at Idira as she approached.

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