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The next morning was the Holy Day, Idira went down to the dining room for breakfast. VanCleef and Myra didn't come down, nor did they come down to take the carriage to the cathedral. Idira went alone and sat with Lanira instead. When Idira came back full of stories about the fish she had finally seen in the fountain, no one was there to talk to her. The door to VanCleef's room remained closed, with two of his henchmen standing outside, trying not to smirk. Lanira hurried her past and up to her room where she stayed with her for the afternoon, colouring with her and playing Idira's favourite game, Hearthstone.

At high tea, Nin arrived for a visit. She opened the door and peered in, wearing a wide-brimmed hat decorated with purple and green feathers. Her dark blue gown rustled as she came in and took a seat by the window. She made small talk about the unseasonable cool weather as she pulled the pins from her hat and lifted it off. Idira could feel Nin's eyes on her. She continued with her colouring, trying her best to look uninterested in their conversation, while secretly wondering what Nin wanted to say.

Tea and cake arrived. The women sat in the window seat sipping their tea, looking down at the square in companionable silence. Nin sighed and set her teacup back into its saucer.

'Edwin's absence at the service was noted today,' she murmured. 'You know how people like to talk. I do hope he is not unwell.'

'According to the servants he has not left his bed all day,' Lanira answered, vague.

'Indeed? How unlike him. Perhaps I should call on him.' Nin set aside her saucer, making to leave. Lanira took hold of her wrist and shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. Nin drew in a sharp breath.

'Is it . . . No! Can it be? Have they . . . finally come to an understanding?'

Lanira nodded, her cheeks colouring. 'Something like that.'

Nin clasped her hands together in front of her, pleased. 'Oh thank the Light, I had almost given up hope for him. I rather suspected Myra would hold out to the bitter end. How did he ever change her mind?'

Lanira looked out the window, her face hardening a little. 'She drove them both to their wit's end, and it just came about, as these things tend to do.'

Nin leaned forward, perplexed. 'I don't understand.'

Lanira met Nin's eyes. 'Let's just say, I rather think VanCleef has met his match in Myra. That girl is going to break his heart one day.'

Nin fell silent, disapproval emanating from her. Lanira cleared her throat and lifted up the teapot, pouring them both more tea. 'I have been hearing rumors from Stormwind,' she said, lowering her voice. 'That the king has not recovered from the queen's death and the city is being run by another, a Lady Katrana Prestor.'

Nin nodded, brusque, stirring milk into her tea. 'I have heard the same. My contacts within the palace have confirmed the truth of it. King Varian remains in his apartments surrounded by Tiffin's belongings. He doesn't wash or take exercise, neither will he see their infant son, Anduin. He simply broods.' She tapped her spoon against the side of the tea cup, and set it aside. 'I heard he sleeps with Tiffin's dress on the bed beside him, holding it as though she is still there.' She tutted and shook her head. 'So tragic, for one so young.'

Neither of them said anything for awhile. Idira kept colouring thinking about the poor king, holding the dress of his dead queen in his arms as he slept. It made her think of her fairytales. So many of them were sad. From the corner of her eye she saw Lanira rise up to check on her. Idira kept colouring, studiously feigning her interest in her work. Lanira sank back down, satisfied.

'And his advisor,' Lanira asked, cautious. 'This Lady Prestor, can she be trusted in his stead?'

'For what?' Nin asked, sharp.

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