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For the first two days of their studies in the Apprentices' Library, as the students puzzled through the complicated chapters of the book, Margot completely ignored them. But on the third day, when Wynn displayed a fluttering of arcane energy spreading through her hands as she concentrated on casting her first spell, Margot looked up from her book, sharp.

'What do you think you are doing?' she demanded, coming over to them, causing the nascent flickers of blue in Wynn's hands to dwindle away.

'I . . .' Wynn said, paling as Margot dragged the open book across the table and flipped the book closed, opening it again to its frontispiece. Her lips thinned as she read the title.

'Who found this?' She looked over the group, her expression dangerous, full of accusation.

The red-haired male, now known to Idira as Asur pointed at her, ignoring Wynn's blistering glare. 'She did,' he said, adding, unnecessarily, in a sycophantic voice, 'first book she picked out of the stacks.'

'You turd,' Wynn muttered.

'Arse kisser,' someone else said, under their breath, though Idira wasn't sure who.

Margot turned, slow, and faced Idira. She drew herself up, reminding Idira of a Westfall viper preparing to strike.

'Let me guess,' Margot sneered, contemptuous, 'your demon-slaying Light helped you find it?'

Idira didn't say anything, suspecting Margot didn't care for her answer anyway. Her tutor continued, scathing, 'From now on, your studies will be taken separately from the others. Since you seem to possess an unfair advantage, your time can be put to better use in the Academy Library. You will work there during the day, and may study here in the evenings, if there is someone around who will portal you in and out.'

Margot turned and began to cast a portal. Idira slid a look at Wynn, who was already opening her mouth to protest. Idira shook her head, warning her to stay out of it.

The portal blossomed open, spreading into a neat oval, the surface shimmering, a liquid film of bright blue, like a pool of water.

'In you go,' Margot said, grabbing hold of Idira's arm and marching her towards it, rough. 'When you get there, go to the Main Reception Desk and tell the Director on Duty I have sent you there for indefinite archival duty. They will know what to do with you.'

At Margot's final words, Idira felt herself being thrust into the portal. She lost her balance and tumbled face first into it, landing on the other side on her hands and knees. The portal snapped shut behind her. She stood up and looked around, brushing off her dress, although there was no need, the floor was immaculate. From the sofas clustered into little groups along the vast reception hall, several students glanced up at her, curious, returning to their books and coffees when nothing else interesting happened. Along one face of the building, soaring windows rose at least twice the height of the house in Moonbrook. Brilliant beams of sunlight streamed onto the elegant interior garden which ran the length of the marble-floored reception. In its leafy midst, a large fountain burbled, the soothing cascade of its water calming.

On the opposite side of the garden, the entrance to the library loomed, its silver-gilt gates open, and a pair of guards positioned to either side. They eyed those passing by, hostile, vigilant, and intimidating.

Just outside and to the left of the gates stood a low platform surrounded by a wood-engraved partition. Inside its perimeter, a half dozen desks fanned out. Behind the barrier, several Kirin Tor staff moved around, looking harrassed and stressed. On the wall behind it, a sign, gilt—as usual—in gold, read:

Dalaran Library of the Kirin Tor

Main Reception Desk

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