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After the service at the cathedral, the carriage driver brought them to the Weary Traveller. Lanira was already there, waiting outside with Arinna. They smiled and waved at Idira as the horses pulled up. When VanCleef nodded at the women, Idira noticed their smiles faded a little, no longer reaching their eyes. Although she didn't know why, Idira sensed Lanira didn't like VanCleef, and he had threatened to kill Arinna that one time when Myra almost died. She hoped at least for the afternoon, they would be able to get along.

VanCleef stepped down from the carriage and helped Idira down onto the wooden walkway. As the adults greeted each other, Idira bounced on her toes, trying to see past them into the inn. Since moving to Moonbrook, she had never been anywhere outside the house other than the cathedral. Lanira wouldn't even let her go and play by the fountain in the square. Idira looked at the fountain with longing, perhaps she could ask to see the fish after they ate.

Laughter and soft music drifted from the inn's open double doors. Soon she would eat in the fanciest place in the whole town, dressed like a princess and accompanied by a man who treated her like a cherished daughter. How her life had changed, almost like the story from her fairytale book where an orphaned slave girl found out she was really a long-lost princess from a faraway land.

'Edwin, how good it is to see you,' Nin smiled as she approached the little group, holding out her gloved hands to him.

He took her hands in his and flourished a bow, brushing his lips against the back of her ringed fingers. 'Lady Nin, you honour us with your presence,' he said, a perfect gentleman.

'Nin is a real lady?' Idira asked, astonished. She knew enough from her lessons in decorum that one didn't greet another with the title of Lord or Lady unless they actually were nobility. She had never seen Nin so dressed up before, jewels glittered on her neck and wrists and she wore a little hat with a tiny veil that half covered her face. Her elegant burgundy gown bore the same cut as Myra's expensive dresses from Stormwind.

VanCleef turned to Idira, though his eyes remained on Nin. He arched an eyebrow, curious. 'Lady Nin hasn't told you?'

Nin smiled a mysterious smile and gave a tiny shake of her head.

'Well then,' VanCleef continued, 'Lady Nin's mother was sister to Varia Wrynn, once-Queen Consort of Azeroth, mother of King Llane, the Light rest both their souls. Lady Nin spent much of her childhood in the palace of Stormwind, growing up alongside Prince Llane—at least until Stormwind became a battleground.'

Idira gaped. No. It could not be true. Her tutor had grown up in the palace with a prince—and was related to a queen!? Idira dropped into her deepest curtsey.

'My lady, I am not worthy of you,' she breathed.

'Oh, you are Idira,' Nin replied as Idira rose up. Nin held her hand out to Idira, just like she did when they went down the stairs to dine at the big table, so Idira could practice her table manners. 'With all my heart, I am so glad to have the privilege of tutoring you. One day, I suspect it shall be me who will curtsey to you.'

Idira blushed all the way to her hairline as she took Nin's hand. With an indulgent look, VanCleef took Idira's other hand and together they walked into the Weary Traveller to celebrate her day. For the first time in her life, Idira felt like she belonged to a real family. She never wanted the feeling to end.

They swept through the crowded main dining area and up the stairs. Idira caught the stares of the patrons, particularly upon VanCleef. The looks were not friendly, some of them were even outright hostile. She wished they knew what a good man he was. If only she could tell them.

Their host led them to an elegant private dining room on the second floor decorated in pale green and cream, its sunlit sash windows overlooking the square. Idira felt a little disappointed they were not going to eat in the main room with all the other people. However, once Nin mentioned over a glass of sparkling wine that King Adamant Wrynn III, Varia's husband, had once dined in this very room while travelling to Darkshire, Idira's disappointment melted away.

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