Fanfiction Awards 2017

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It's that wonderful time of year where people are nominating their favourite Fanfics of the year, and I would love to be involved with this as I've never done one before. Thank you so much to those that are already voting for me, that means the absolute world! You all do so much for me, so I wanted to give something back to you guys as an incentive if we get my story to win!

If Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me or Ebony & Ivory wins the Fanfiction Awards 2017, I will release the first chapter of PPDPM2! I've been in the planning stages for the story for quite some time, and would love to reward you all for being so kind to me! 

If you're interested in voting, please click on the story entitled 'The Fanfiction Awards 2017' which I have added to my reading list for easy access. On the chapter labelled 'Nominations - Open' find the line that says 'Best Harry Styles Fanfiction', and comment either "Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me by @WordsWithGem " or "Ebony & Ivory by @WordsWithGem " 

Please make sure that you comment on the correct section mentioned above, otherwise the vote unfortunately won't be counted :(  Please tell your friends to help out, and I hope that we can win! PPDPM2 is long overdue, and I'm so excited to bring Harry and Ava's love back to life.

Feel free to tag me in any additional sections you may seem fit, and all the best. Thank you all so much for your continued support. Life wouldn't be half as interesting without all of you! Please make sure you're following me on social media for any updates!

Twitter: WordsWithGem
Instagram: gemma.allan
Snapchat: gemma.allan

Pretty Please Don't Pinch MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang