25. An Introductory Faint

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"That good for nothing bitch," Scarlett curses to herself. "I can't believe the audacity of her. It's so clear to everyone that she's just thirsty for attention."

She looks to my clutch, as it's vibrating like crazy.

"Someone's calling" She tells me, signalling over to my purse.

"No, it's these bloody twitter notifications. My phone literally hasn't stopped vibrating," I inform her.

"Here," She demands, holding out her hand for me to pass my phone to her. She clicks a few buttons and eventually it stops, and there's a newfound silence hanging in the room.

"Look." She begins, taking a deep breath. "I'm really sorry Ava. I shouldn't have gotten angry with you over all of this Harry stuff. I understand why you couldn't say anything" She apologises, and my heart softens at the genuineness of her words.

"No. I'm sorry Scar. That shouldn't have mattered. I should have told you...I didn't try as hard as I should have."

"Okay, okay, we're both sorry," she hastily adds. "Can we go back to normal please?"

We hug, and all the former awkwardness is now out of the way, and we can finally go back to being friends.

"So tell me everything bitch," she asks, smiling.

So I tell her. How Harry and I met, the steamy moment in the pool, the airport, and then also the whole Kendall debacle.

"Oh, you could definitely tell that it was all fake," she says, "everyone talked about it being for publicity. I'm certain that's what it was."

I don't know if I like that idea any better than them dating. He says they were friends and that's okay, but I can't decide which is worse from the other two alternatives. Either he dated a super hot model, or he's someone who'd be involved in a fake relationship in order to gain publicity. Obviously everyone has a past, but he specifically told me that they haven't dated. I don't know what to think.

"And what's this about Max Beaumont? I leave you alone for like a day, and you're at a fabulous event with British royalty? So unfair." she groans.

British royalty? Max? She takes my stunned look and interprets the situation correctly,

"So you don't know who he is?"

I shake my head.

"You don't know who he is?! I can't believe you Ava. He's a Duke, and he's even in line for the throne. Granted he's like 20th in line, but still!"

Woah. Thinking back, I vaguely recall someone at Crown Casino referring to him as 'Duke', and I just thought they got his name wrong.

"Ava! Snap out of it! You should be bouncing off the ceiling with happiness right now."

I give her a look, "Why would I be happy about this?" I point to the computer screen with the newly written article about myself.

"Relax Ave. All I mean is that in your free time you're making out with Harry Styles, and hanging out with royalty. It doesn't get any better than this."

I know she means well, but that remark only frustrates me further. When I'm with Harry, I find myself craving normality. I love it when it is just him and I, and I savour the moments when we can be normal people together.

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