15. The Pick Up

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I rejoin Mum and Harry, and can't help but notice Harry giving me a subtle once over from my legs up.

"So Harry," my mother interrupts, "do you have anything planned for dinner? You're more than welcome to join us again. We'll probably end up ordering some pizzas and pasta."

"Thank you so much for your offer Charlotte, and as much as I'd love to stay, I've made plans to pick up some friends from the airport. I was actually going to see if Ava wanted to join me."

"That sounds lovely," she says warmly. "Have a nice time you two."

Airport? He didn't run this by me. Right now I'm barely handling the fact that I know one of the most well known people in the world, and now I'll be meeting another two.

How much crazier does my life want to be right now?

We walk towards his car and I'm pleasantly surprised as he rushes over to the passenger side to open the door for me, and dips an imaginary hat as I enter. Chivalry certainly isn't dead.

"Why thank you good sir," I say in a posh English accent.

He starts up the car, and looking over at him, I notice he is already looking at me, and we both shyly look away.

"So what should I expect?" I ask nervously, referring to the probable case that we're going to be seen in public together.

"I've sort of learned not to expect anything, because I'm constantly surprised. But I've ran it by airport security who have directed me to a less busier part of the airport where hopefully we can remain unseen. Niall and Liam have a couple of bodyguards to lead them to our car. It's all sorted."

Something tells me this isn't going to go as smoothly as it all sounds...

He begins the short drive, and I give him directions to our destination. I can't help but have second thoughts as we are getting closer and closer, and almost speak up several times for him to let me out, but stop myself. I bite my lip nervously and am reassured by Harry as he interlaces his left hand through mine, and rests it on my leg.

"Are you... how are you doing?" He blurts out a little nervously, and it kind of brings me a little bit of comfort knowing he's feeling similar feelings about whatever this is.

"I'm great." I answer rather unconvincingly. "Err... you?"

"I'm good," he nods, and suddenly I am overwhelmed with doubt. What if he regrets kissing me? He might've kissed me because I nodded at him in the pool when he was close. I basically forced him into it. Oh God. He's probably sitting in his chair regretting ever having kissed me.

"You sure you're okay?" he asks again, turning his face to me as if looking for a physical sign of me not being okay.

"Look Harry," I begin, and I can't help but notice him sink slightly in his chair from my tone. "You don't have to do this. You don't have to spend time with me anymore, and I totally understand if you walk away." His expression changes from a sombre demeanour, to a look of subtle amusement.

"Ava," he says, trying to cut in.

"No, really Harry," I interrupt. "I get it. You're a busy guy. You're not here for long. We can pretend the... the... thing never happened, and we can go back to how we were."

"By thing, you mean...?" he asks, almost ready to break into laughter.

No. Don't do this to me Harry.

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