Part 7: My Powers

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It had been 6 months since the tragedy happened. I knew my box like the back of my hand. I even found were the monsters spawn. I've tried to destroy it but it indestructible. I have started my own little farm to live on, since I thought I am probably going to live here for the rest of my life. "I almost forgot how old I am now, I think I'm 10, I'm just gonna go with that. Everyday I think about my friend Terk. I had a thought of him being alive in my head, but I saw him die right in front of me. But if he died then why did they call off the Karlak and the giant boom didn't go off. I don't now where or if he is still alive but I'm going to find out. I need to find a way to get up to that tube. That's how they enter and exit. But that's about 30-35 feet up though, how am I going to get out". I said as I looked down at Elron. I sat there on my bed and thought. I didn't know it but The Marvainians came into my sell and started looking for me. Bang, bang, bang! I heard the sound on my door. I got up and prepared for the worst, I thought it was a monster. Then my door slammed into the ground and Marvainian soilders with black masks came rushing in with space guns pointed. I raised my hands up, I knew I couldn't fight this one, I also thought quick, and that this could be an opportunity to escape the prison. I followed there orders and walked out side, there stood Captin Marvin waiting beside a floating space pod. "Hello, Gray Jackson, pleasure to meet you finally". "You mother f***** ,you killed all these prisoners so far, you scum bag from hell!" I yelled the second I saw his ugly scumbag piece of crap face. We went up through a long tunnel to this loading dock, bay platform area to the main HQ. I was in some type of handcuffs while walking, I had brought a metel pick with me. I tried to lift the key slots in the key hole to try to free myself. I walked down a long hall way from the bay platform area and into a lab, but not the one in the prison area. They turned me around and uncuffed me. Then they grabbed my arms and put me in this chamber. I was yelling let me out at them, and then passed out. They had gassed me. We went past the docking area and down a hallway.

I woke up with a horrible headache. I tried to move but I couldn't. I was strapped down to a metel platform, in a cold room. I had goosebumps on my arms, I looked around trying to figure out were I was. I looked around there was needles on a tray filled with fluids, I had an iv in me and some electrodes on me. I saw a glass window and saw were I just was, I saw the 6 chambers that could gas people out like me. I saw them gas out 2 more prisoners who were way older than me.  It felt like I was at a scary, scary, doctors appointment waiting for the doctor. Finally Captin Marvin came in with a lady worker at his side. They were both dressed in lab coats and gloves. "Scumbag". I said as he walked over to me. He didn't say anything to me and grabbed a needle from a tray. "This will only hurt a little bit". He said as he got the stuff ready while the lady put some rubbing alcohol on my forearm. She finished and left the room. Captin Marvin walked over to me and stuck the needle into me. "Ow". I said sarcastically sitting there strapped in. I looked over at two more trays of needles and my eyes widened with fear. There were about 20 more needles to go through and it would take 10 minutes to get through all of them. After Captin Marvin finished putting needles in me, my arm was bleeding. He cleaned it but it was still bleeding. Captin Marvin went over to a keypad and pressed a button on it. Then my metel platform moved over to a closet looking thing. He pressed another button which closed a door. "What's this, an antique store". I said to him, but he didn't answer. He pressed a few more buttons and put in a code. Then there were to holes next to me that started to glow. The one on my left glowed this firey color and the one on my right glowed blue but it was icey blue. Then I heard the sound of air pressure releasing. Then the pain came. I started to scream as fire and ice blasted me from both sides. I could feel it entering my body, my body started fluxiating from normal to burning with fire and then I was icey blue and then both at one point. I don't remember anything after that.

I woke up still attached to my metel platform. But I was out of the wierd closet room that I just got blasted in. I could feel the energy rushing through me, and as I looked down at my body and could see fire rushing through my left side and ice rushing through me on right. I felt stronger, powerful, the energy throughout my body. Captin Marvin was standing there in front of me with a notebook. "How do you feel Gray". He asked me. "Why are you asking me that scumbag". I spat at him. "Because we need to now if your stable. Now how do you feel". He asked me again. "I feel great, ya know just everyday getting blasted by fire and ice, strapped to a metel platform". I said sarcastically. He asked me more questions and then left me. Some guards came rushing in and uncuffed me, then followed Captin Marvin through the main room i was in before. I saw other people in different rooms just like mine, i saw a girl about my age, she was asleep in the room out of the blast chamber. There were plants and flowers all around her and she was green with vines and leafs all around her. "Come on, move prisoner". Said one of the guards. I passed the docking platform and went into a long hallway. We stopped at a giant metal door with a keypad on the side of it. Captin Marvin put his hand on the keypad and a laser went up an down, i then heard the door open and i saw a room upon me. I was in the lab that I saw everyday. We walked up to the main computer desk and i looked out upon the dark abyss with some light shining down in the glass prison boxes. I looked below the prison boxes and saw nothing. I asked my self if the blackness was infinite. It was so fascinating though, how could such darkness be this interging. I looked back up, i could see some monsters chasing people. Then the people would stop and turn around and use there power they were given and try to kill the monster. I watched five different people do this. Only 3 of them survived the monsters they were fighting. "How are the prisoners conditions doing". Captin Marvin asked another Marvainian that was at a desk. "All of our new prisoners are stable with there powers and the prisoners without the powers are doing fine as well, sir". Replied the desk worker. As he was talking i saw my dads purple metal encased goo thing on a desk, it looked like it was locked onto the desk next to a monitor. What were they doing with it, were they testing it like they were with the prisoners, could this thing be super important to them. All i knew was that it was mine and i needed it back. "That capsule was my dads, and its not yours, my dad made that". I said aloud. "Bring her with me, guards". Captin Marvin said. Captin Marvin, my six guards and i walked out of the lab and out the door. We went back down the hallway and through another one. Captin Marvin opened another door. We walked into what looked like a testing chamber. There were other prisoners in different rooms. The front wall of the rooms were all glass so you could see in. They took me to one of the cells or testing chambers and there was a robot in the room. They uncuffed me and locked me in the chamber. "Hello there E2P2025, im Hexa, and i will be your teacher.

This is Hexa

This is Hexa

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