Part 12: Catching Up

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Terk pulled me over apart from my other friends. "Why did you pull me over Terk". I asked as i looked back. "Don't worry i just want to....catch up with you, nothing weird, so did you get the alpha serum yet"? He asked. "How'd you know i got the omega serum"? "Because i pick pocketed your back pack and i have it right here". He said raising it up. "What the hell Terk, dont do that". I said taking it back from him. "Ok, but my name isn't actually Trigger, its Jack, so you can call me Jack now, Terk was when i was 8 now im 12". "Ok, well do we want to sit down at your giant couch". I said. We went over to his couch and sat down. We talked about Captin Marvin and what was new. I showed him my cubes. I pulled some out but i didnt let any out. I pulled out Hexa and let her rome around some. We got some food and started watching tv. We then heard a knock on our door. Jack went to answer it. He looked out his window and immediately slammed up against his door. "What is it jack, who is it"? I asked. "Hide now, its some police and guards from the prison". We all hid down in the basement. We heard them talking up stairs for about 5 minutes then heard the door shut. The basement door opened and we saw jack come down stairs. "There gone, but they gave me this". I Looked at the poster jack had. It showed a picture of us with a price on it. Price: 1,000,000,000 dollars. My eyes widened. "Well the price is reasonable after what we did today". I said sarcastically. We all went back up stairs and into the living room. Jack put the poster on a bulletin board he had up in the living room. I decide to go through my stuff and look through my dads files and tablets to see what i could find. I started laying everything out on the ground away from everyone. I took for my pouchs and belts, all my throwing knives. It took me 1 hour to lay everything out on the ground in front of me. I looked at all my dads files and work. I picked up a file that said my name on it. I opened it and there was a long letter inside. -Dear Gray, if you are reading this you know im already dead and that your lonely, but i dont need to talk about you and me. I wanted to talk about your brother, Aaron. I know you think he's dead but he's not, when the Arbor City labs exploded, a small singularity formed pulling stuff into it. It formed around where your brother was that night and i think he got sucked in, but a I don't know where he went after that, but i had done some research and i found that we might not be the only earth out there, i think there is an earth 3 and earth 1. Also if you go to earth 2 dont let the Marvainian people get the omega serum, to get back to earth 2 your home you need to find the alpha serum, once you do that you must get back to the prison building and lock them into place side by side, that will cause a portal to open up to earth 2, after that you need to find the block. This will be at LARKEN INDUSTRIES. If you want to find your brother and family again follow this letter, sincerely daddy-. I looked back at my friends and decided to keep the letter a secret. I now knew how to get home. I put the letter in my pocket and went back to the other files and my stuff. I read all th files and looked on the small black tablet. All they were ws just data and info, just some more science stuff. I stacked all the files and told the group that they could read the files and tablet. I went back to were all was left on the ground was my throwing knives, daggers, animal cubes, kukris. I forgot to pull out my 2 stomach shooters out of by boots and laid them on the ground. I had got all these weapons from crates in the prison. I only guessed there was someone on the inside that helped us out and also probably made the breach. I would thank him or her but i bet the person was now in the prison or dead. I was still just looking at my stuff on the ground when jack came over and sat down next to me. He started pulling out revolvers from all over his body and laid them in front of him, then he took off his purple alligator skin trench coat reveling a cross of throwing knives and a belt of daggers. He then took off 2 hidden blades that had brass nuckles on both of them. "Did you dye your hair jack"? "Yes, i did". Jack replied. His hair was dirty blond with frosted white tips. "That's also a lot of um, weapons there Jack". "Ya, 10 revolvers, 10 daggers, 15 throwing knives and 2 hidden blades with brass nuckles on both of them". "Were did you get these ones though"? I asked him pulling out a mini katana sword. I pulled it out of its cover. The blade was 4 inches long. "Very effective in close combat". I said putting it on the ground. "Thank you, i forgot about that one down there". "Well, just a reminder for you when your in close combat bud". I said with a laugh. We started putting away our stuff when i bumped into jack. There was a silent puase between us, we stared at each other before jack said something. "I think this one belongs to me". He said breaking a silence between us. I looked at what he was grabbing, it was one of his daggers. He reached back and put it in his belt. After he put all his weapons away he but his trench coat on and went back over to the couch and started reading the files. It was quiet around the house and it was boiling hot outside and every one knew that they needed to go inside. It made the city fall silent like it had been evacuated. The only sign of life i saw on the streets was cops looking around for us or a tumbleweed rolling across the road. I closed all the blinds around the mansion and then went to my room to study more on Captin Marvin and the local area. I spent hours searching leads after leads, and found lots on Marvins past. I found out some interesting stuff. This also lead me to more about my dad and his work at Arbor Labs. I was looking around the internet on different things when there was a knock on the open door. Jack casually walked in. "Did i disrupt something"? He asked. I quickly powered off the computer and spun around in my chair to face him leaning against the door frame. "No, i was just finishing up, just doing some research on the local area, why do you ask"? I said slowly taking a step forward out of my chair. "just seeing where you were and then found you in here so i thought i might ask cause everyone else is down stairs playing games so then i thought i would also ask you if you wanted to join us". Jack said with a grin on his face. "What"? "What do you mean what"? "I mean your doing that grin you do when you want to say something more". "I dont know, im just glad your back i guess". Jack said standing up straight with his hands in his pockets. I walked by him and patted his chest on the way by smiling. "What was that". "What was what"? I said still grinning turning around backwards facing him. "What was the patt on the chest for". "Just a friendly tap". I said walking down the basement stairs. "Yea, ill definetly belive that one". He said walking behind me. I came down and saw my other friends playing pool and video games. There was music playing in the back round. "I didn't realize you had games and stuff down here". I said surprised. "Yea i do, and i have a bar if you want a drink". He whispered in my ear. I went over to the bar, Hexa popped up behind the counter. "What are you doing behind there Hexa". I asked her. "I'm serving my friends drinks as a gift, do you want anything"? She asked. "Um, do you have ginger ale back there". She handed me a ginger ale from a mini fridge. "Thanks". I said sipping my drink and watching my friends. Moore walked over to me and stat down on the bar stool next to me. "How you doing, you seem quiet". I didnt say anything back, i just stared at my friends playing. "Like to quiet that its sorta a problem". He said getting a drink. "I dont know Moore, what this all is, like ever since the explosion, ever since my dad died and my brother went missing its all just been a big mess. And know i found a letter from my dead dad saying he knows where my brother is, and if i even find him, like i dont know if he's even alive but if he is and i find him, i dont know what im going to do. Ok, like how do you explain to your missing brother who you thought was dead that you were in an orphanage and then went to earth 3 and survived in a prison for 2 and half years and while you were there you found a whole bunch of information about your dad and also that you have fire and ice powers". I explained to Moore. "Well that was a lot of stuff that i dont know how to explain but once or if you find your brother again, explaining all of this will be a lot easier than you think, cause he'll understand why or how, and he'll just be so happy to see you, so dont think about it to much. Lets just focus on getting out of here, ok Gray". Moore said rubbing his hand on my back. "I'm just so lost from what has happened ever since i was 6 years old and ever since that night, it felt like i was so alone, not phisically, but mentally, i think. It felt like i almost died, like a part of me left me. But now, the powers that i got from Marvin, they almost make me whole, they make me the best of who i am, and i really dont know who i would be without them, or you guys to". I said leaning on Moore thinking about all this. We heard voices upstairs and then crack! We heard a bunch of footsteps smash through the door. "Everyone be quiet". Jack said. We all hid in different places. Were they going to find us.

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