Part 10: The Breach

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It was a week after i captured the Peloquin and Hexa had taught how to capture more. The list of beasts i have caught so far.
Peloquin-elephant looking beast
Firebird-small native bird that burns on fire
Slitherin-6 inch long snake that has wings
Farlinx-big-ish cat like creature that has looks like a lizard type animal

 Peloquin-elephant looking beast Firebird-small native bird that burns on fireSlitherin-6 inch long snake that has wingsFarlinx-big-ish cat like creature that has looks like a lizard type animal

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Xtro-medium size wolf like creature
Shroot-tiny plant creature that can be like groot and can pick locks
I made a belt that can hold all of the cubes so when i need them i can just grab them out of my belt. I was eating lunch outside and writing about my animals in my book, when I hear a thud a couple yards away. I knew it was another crate but i only get 1 every month, this was my 2nd in 1 month. I put down my sandwich and jogged over to the crate. I prayed it open and there was weapons and a note inside. I took out everything and read the note. -Dear prisoner, there is going to be a breach in 5 seconds get ready for chaos, take these weapons to escape, and escape with the green girl-. Wwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!. I heard a loud siren go off around the dark prison. I looked up and a invisible shield disappeared, i could barely see it thoug, all i knew was that i could get out of here. I scrambled to grab all my stuff and go. I used one of the shrinking cubes to get Elron. I got my back pack and most of the things i had. "Hexa, am i able to shrink you into a cube"?! "Yes, why....". I shrunk Hexa down into the cube, and put it in my belt. I gathered everything at my hut and ran over to the crate, grabbed the weapons and flew up to the tube opening. I made it through the tube and i was in a hallway. I sneakily crept along the all way trying to be quiet. I heard people start to run down the hallway. I hid behind a corner and the guards went by, Captin Marvin wasnt with them though, i only guessed he was in the lab. I ran through the hallway with 1 of the 3 guns i had got in the crate. I ran down the hall, i went to the next prison box and it had a sign above it that said -plant girl-. I looked down the tube. I flew down into the glass box and started looking for this plant girl. I was yelling around the box, i finally decided to take out Hexa to help me find this plant girl. "Every prisoner has a beacon implanted in there necks". Hexa said, the robot opened up a screen that scanned the glass box. "I see her over there. Hey, over here, come over here". I yelled to the plant girl. She came over. "Who are you guys, like rescuers". She said. "Well, do you want to get out of here or not, theres a breach, it was created by one of the workers i guess. Here's a gun a i got in a crate". I told her. "Whats your guys names". Asked the plant girl. "I'm Gray Jackson and this is my friend Hexa, goodbye Hexa". I said as i pressed the button on top of the tiny cube and Hexa shrunk int the cube. "Wow, thats cool, im Jill by the way, and yes i want to get out of here". Jill said. We went through the tube and went into the hallway. We saved 3 more prisoners named, Jacob, Ryan and Karvin. Jacob and Ryan were from Earth 1 and Karvin was from Witherin. I gave the last gun to Karvin. Jacob and Ryan insisted on rescuing there friend Moore. We rescued him and started running to the main lab. "What are we even doing, we dont now where we're going? I'm finding it hard to believe that you know your way around". Questioned Karvin. "I need to get something from Marvin, and yes i know my way around, i think, mostly". I said as we all stopped in the middle of the hallway. "Exactly, were all gonna die here cause we dont know anything". Karvin said frustrated. "We have to get going, were all gonna die right here in the middle of this alien prison". Ryan finally yelled. "No, im not going with you guys, I'm gonna get outta here". Karvin said. Karvin started off the other way around the corner. Pew, pew, pew!!!!!. We saw Karvin get shot three times. The guards came around the corner. "Put your hands up prisoners"!!! we slowly put our hands up. "Drop the weapons, now"!! We looked at each other then i shot at one of the guards. The guard fell. Jill used her plant powers to make a baby groot army. The baby grooms swarmed the guards, overtaking them. We still there weapons and started running again. We killed some more guards and took there key cards. "Why do they need keycards if they have palm scanners". Asked Jacob. "Maybe the guards and workers only need the keycards and Captin Marvin is the only one with out one". I said. "I have an idea. We put on the armor of the guards so we have a better chance at getting out and dont end up like Karvin". Jill said as we hid in a cut out off the hallway. we started to take the armor of the guards and slip it on. It was a little big on me. We started running down the hall. We got to a door and tryed the keycard. The door slid open. We were in the main lab were all of the prisoners got there powers. I saw the door leading to the main lab that looked out over the prison. "Ok, i have a plan, i go in there with Jill and you three go through that door and wait for us". I said. We took off the armor and discussed our escape rought. "Hey"! We looked up and saw 3 guards running towards the open entrance. Moore took the keycard closed the door and shot the keypad. Were heard the guards outside the door. "Ok, we need to get moving". Moore said. Me and Jill went over to the door as Ryan,Moore, and Jacob went to the docking station. "Ok, as soon as we go in here you need to get the workers and everyone into a corner then make sure they cant get out. Ready"? "Ready". Jill picked the lock with her plant fingers and the door opened. "Everyone up, now"! I yelled. I was in my full ice mode and Jill was in her full plant mode. The workers got up and Jill corralled them into a corner then made a plant wall so the workers couldn't get out. i went over to the desk were my dads work was. It had a label on it. The label said omega, i wondered why they called it that. I twisted the cylinder and it released its pressure and slowly popped up. I took it and stuffed it in my back pack. "Ok, lets go". I told Jill and we started out the room. "Hold it right there". We stopped right in the door way to find Captin Marvin and 2 other guards aiming at us with there space guns. We held our hands up. "You have something of mine i think". Said Captin Marvin. "No we dont, this is my dads from my earth Marvin". I said shaking my head. "Really, cause your dad stole that from us then". "No he didn't, i saw him make it the day i went to work with him". "Well, your dads boss stole our plans to make that, so when you brought it here we finally had it".

I whispered over to Jill, "on 3 your gonna take all there guns". "Ok". Jill whispered back. ''1,2,3". Jill used her tree roots and reached out and grabbed all 3 guns out of there hands. I freezes the guards feet to the ground so they couldn't move. Captin Marvin realized he was outnumbered so he raised his hands. "Your out numbered Marvin, what are you gonna do now". I said with my owners ready. "Well i just called for ten guards to come and help me so, you'll be outnumbered within 5 minutes and will have to hand over the omega serum". "No, way im handing this over or am i staying at this prison any longer". I said. ''Well you have 1 more minute before those guards get here Gray so i recommend you hand it over to me right now". as he finished i heard the guards come through the door. I quickly froze Captin Marvins arm and burnt the other. "Aaaaaaaaahhhh"!!!!! Captin Marvin screamed as we both ran to the door were Ryan, Moore and Jacob were. We heard shots behind us. I then felt a stinging pain in my calf. We got through the doors and closed them then made sure the guards couldn't get through. "That was to close for my comfort". Said Ryan. They all laughe as i sat down a couple feet away checking my leg. It was bleeding, badly. "Hey Gray, you good you look hurt". Moore asked me. "That's cause i am Moore". Everyone walked over to me. "That's really bad, we can try to take it out, it'll get infected if you dont". Ryan said looking closer at my wound. "I can try to take it out Gray with my plants". Jill said. "Ya, your gonna need to". I said in pain. Jill formed her hands into little tiny vines and started going into the wound to get the bullet out. I was screaming in pain. Then i felt something pop out of my leg, and it started to bleed more now. Jill dropped the bullet and rapped my wound with leafs and vines. "Thanks Jill". I said standing up with help. "No problem, just helping a friend". Jill said. She made some wood crutches out of her hands. We walked over to the giant, giant metel door that probably looked over the outside world. We opened it with the keycard and we saw the bright light come in. It welcomed us with a warm sensation. We then saw the great big city. We saw a distant sign that said, WELCOME TO LARKAVIK. "Well, i guess we get out of here right, now that we have to find another serum called the alpha to get back to our worlds". Said Jill.

Huh, i just realized this but today's my birthday guys, im 12 now". "Well happy birthday Gray". All of my friends said as we hugged each other.

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