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I'm in the middle of trying to find something to watch on Netflix when there's a knock at the door. Must be Levi.

"Come in!" I say loudly. The front door swings open and a guy walks in with two bags of food.

"Hey, Cara. I bought your favourite treat." He holds up the bags so that I can clearly see the Big Belly Burger logo on them.

I smile and gesture for him to come in, choosing not to say anything in case I mess up. Robin said before that he would test me and that he'll know if something's different so I don't wanna push my luck by saying something wrong.

Now that I'm looking at him though, I know I've seen him someplace before. What else did Robin say about him? Oh right, he's close with my brother here and in my world.

I can't help thinking Patty was with me when I saw him in real life. Maybe he was one of the ones we saw with my brother that time we all happened to go to the same party.

"You hungry?" He must think my silence means I don't want to be here with him.

"Yeah, a little." I say quietly, offering him a small smile.

"I know you're normally a massive health nut and all that, but I thought it'd be nice to have some greasy, salty food again. Just like old times, huh?" He takes a seat on the part of the couch that's closest to me, sort of sitting next to me without sitting next to me.

"I guess so." I sound distracted, and I guess maybe it's because I am a little; in the 'old times' he's talking about, Mum and Dad would've been here too.

"Hey, I know it's been hard, but you've gotta soldier on, yeah? You gotta keep your chin up and let everyone see that nothing bothers you." Levi says, leaning closer to me as if he's telling me his deepest, darkest secret. I offer him another small smile.

"That's a little hard at the moment." I say quietly. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Well nobody ever said it was gonna be easy, did they?" He points out. This time, my smile is full-sized and completely genuine. I like this guy, and I can pretty much guarantee that the version of him from my world is the complete opposite.

"Thanks, Levi."

"Anytime." He grins over at me, then starts getting out the food. He hands me a napkin and a burger, leaving my fries on the coffee table. "You seem awfully quiet. How're things going?"

"Uh, it's just a lot to take in. It's been hard getting used to this thing," I point to my wheelchair. "But I'm getting there. I've just been taking things one day at a time." Levi gives me a smile that has so much love behind it that I want to just curl up in the warmth of it. It's not romantic love though, it's like a friend-to-friend, sibling sort of love. Thank goodness.

"If I've learned anything about you over the years, it's that you're the strongest person there is. Between breakups, being fired and now this, you've held up well." Levi says proudly. He reaches out and ruffles my hair, then looks at the TV. "So have you caught up on Pretty Little Liars or that other show you like? Fringe, I think."

"Fringe I have, Pretty Little Liars I haven't." I tell him. Truthfully, I've watched every episode of Fringe at least ten times and I've never seen even five minutes of Pretty Little Liars. I unwrap my burger and take a bite as Levi finds the show on Netflix and presses play on the episode I'm apparently up to.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now