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I can't believe it's almost the beginning of a new year. So much has happened since I woke up in the Flashverse all those weeks ago, and so much is still on the horizon.

Barry and I haven't really spoken much since Christmas Eve, and I've pretty much stayed at home since then too. Robin's been training me a lot more, and I've actually been able to sleep lately.

I'm now able to walk from my room to the kitchen and cook myself a full meal while standing up, and there's not so much pain now. Robin says I'm getting stronger very quickly.

"Wolfgang, come on." I pat my lap and he jumps up obediently.

Where are we going?

For once Robin isn't just referring to itself when saying 'we'.

"STAR Labs. I haven't been since I was sick just before Christmas."

MJ is back. She has your keys.

"We can check in with her on our way." Robin nods and I head for the door, opening it mentally before I get too close.

Robin and I get along a lot better now, and I think it's because we've both had a shift in attitude towards each other. Before, I hated the way it spoke in riddles and was always bossing me around or threatening to ash people. Now, I've learnt to appreciate that it does these things to protect me and maintain as much order as it can. Besides, it paused my timeline so that I can see my family for Christmas, so of course I'm grateful.

Robin seems to be more patient and understanding with me too. It doesn't question me as much, just reminds me of important things like what's going to happen soon or little things about certain people that help me to make the right decisions.

And it's not being as cryptic as before... Either that or I actually understand what it's saying now.

"Cara! How are you?!" MJ's energetic voice makes me smile as I wheel myself down the hallway towards her apartment and the elevator bank.

"Great. I didn't know you were back from Starling." I lie seamlessly. She grins.

"Yeah, I needed to come back for work, but I brought some friends with me." She gestures behind herself and that's when I notice two people watching the conversation. One of which is a very familiar person. "This is CC and Roy."

"Nice to meet you Cara." Roy Harper is friends with MJ?

No. Way.

"You too." I try to keep myself from freaking out about him too much by turning back to MJ. "Hey, sorry to be a bother when we haven't even caught up properly, but do you still have the spare key to my apartment?"

"Oh yeah, it's inside. I'll get it now." She hurries to her apartment, fumbles with her keys, then unlocks the door and reaches inside to the little table I know is beside her door. "Here." She comes over and hands me the keys. I smile gratefully.

"Hey Cara?" Roy says my name and I try my best to stop myself from grinning like an idiot.


"If you're planning on going out, you might want a jacket. It's pretty cold out there." He tells me, a kind smile on his face.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu