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It's been three days since I confronted Team Flash, and I haven't seen any of them since. Iris has called me once to tell me about being held hostage and saving the day by herself, but other than that I haven't spoken to her.

Cisco calls every few hours with some trivial news about what the team's up to. He was the one to tell me about Barry getting his speed back. He also said Barry now has my number, but the speedster hasn't spoken to me at all. Not face to face or over the phone. I guess he's busy saving the day and all that.

Strangely enough, Cisco said that Wells has been asking about me. It sort of makes sense since I know their secret and he could just be trying to see how trustworthy I am, but it's weird nonetheless.

For the past seventy-six hours, that's the only contact with the outside world that I've had. Ben leaves early and gets home late, and still hasn't told me about trying to join the police force. Cisco has been my link to the world outside my cocoon of training.

You are stronger.

"That tends to happen when you do hours and hours of training with minimal sleep."

You have control over your thoughts. I can no longer read all of them. Only what you put the most concentration on.

"You mean I've locked my thoughts? How are you talking to me then?"

You must be letting me in. It is the only way.

I think it's implying that I like it.

"Wait, if I can lock thoughts, can I unlock them too? Can I, like, hear Wolfgang's thoughts or something?"

It is easier to unlock then to block, but doing things in your own mind is a lot more simple than tampering with another's. When you first try, the person must be willing to have their mind opened to you.

"Well, I can't exactly walk up to a random person down the street and ask them if I can read their thoughts. Besides, isn't that an invasion of privacy?"

Always remember that moral. It is the difference between taking advantage of this gift and only using it for good.

I nod, trying to store Robin's words away.

"I can't read Wolfgang's thoughts then. He can't give me permission, so I won't be able to get into his mind."

If you let us into your mind, we can guide you into his. You will not be able to speak to his mind, only observe and hear his foremost thoughts.

"What do I have to do?"

Just relax. We will do the work.

I try to be as relaxed as possible while I open my mind, waiting for something to happen. Robin is behind me, and I feel a slight pressure on the top of my head like it's putting its hands on me. Slowly, my vision goes hazy as if I'm looking through fog, and Wolfgang is the only thing clearly visible.

"Food. Need to find food. Need to walk. Need to poo. Need to find food." It's a weird voice, and somehow it's not a voice.

You are uncomfortable. We shall stop.

The pressure leaves my head and I automatically throw the mental walls back up around my mind. That was so strange.

"I don't want to do that ever again."

Good. Thought-hearing is not for the kind or good. You must avoid it at all costs. You are learning though, and that is very good; already you guard your mind well. You are stronger than we anticipated.

"Can we go for some food? It's almost nine in the morning and I haven't eaten in almost eight hours. Plus, Wolfgang wants to get out for a while."

You may do as you please. We do not think you are as vulnerable as before. We trust your judgement.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora