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Eight hours and thirty-six minutes.

That's how long Mya and I have been asking witnesses about the Flash encounters they've had. The morning started slowly because we were talking to the witnesses of the first metahuman encounters. Now, we're onto the sightings from just a week ago.

Tomorrow should be a lot quicker.

"Okay, I think that's enough for today." Mya tells me. "I'm going to Big Belly for dinner on my way home. Wanna come?"

"Uh..." I want to say yes, but Cara wouldn't. "No thanks. I've got a quiche at home I made a day or two ago. It really needs to be eaten."

"Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow." Mya grins. I sigh, pretending to find my next words hard to say.

"Actually, I don't think this is getting anywhere. Maybe we should just give up. We have twenty arrows, and there's no pattern." I lie. The map is in the side pocket of my wheelchair, and I've already started seeing the patterns. I don't like the fact that I basically used her, but I need to get home, and it was either lie to her or let her be ashed.

"Oh." Mya says sadly, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. "Well, at least we tried. We can still hang out sometimes, right?"

"Yeah, of course. Text me whenever; I practically never have anything on, so I'm free most days." I smile at her and she grins.

"Sure. I'll let you go get your quiche." She says, leaning over so that we can hug. It's a bit awkward because obviously I'm in a wheelchair, and I think we're both glad when it's over.

"See ya." I wave. She reflects the action and walks away.

We are happy she is gone. She was dull... But we wanted to ash her.

I pick up Cara's phone and put it to my ear as usual.

"Yes, but that's not what I wanted."

She annoyed you and you wanted to scream every time she said something stupid.

"I thought you couldn't read my thoughts anymore."

We cannot; it was obvious to anyone not dull. We should have ashed her.

"Haven't you ever heard the saying 'Kill 'em with kindness'? That's the best way to do things."

I put the phone down and try to lock even Robin's voice from my head; I'm not in the mood to deal with it right now.

It would be kindness to ash her.

I roll my eyes and start my journey home. Now that I'm thinking about it, I actually really do want that quiche.


Home sweet home.

I really need to get my keys back off MJ, but I don't think she's gotten back from Starling yet.

"Hey, Wolfy." I can't help grinning when my puppy runs up to me excitedly, having been left in the apartment all day.

I wheel into the kitchen with Robin and Wolfgang following me silently. I guess anyone not used to this would find it creepy and weird, but I've sort of just accepted this as normal.

I get the leftover quiche out of the fridge and grab a fork, heading over to the dining table. Robin sits on air drafts in the corner again and Wolfgang has a drink from his bowl before curling up on his bed. Both of them are just watching me.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now