part 11

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Leah :

“I would really love it if you give me water dear,” the man who is in front of me stop digging the soil and then stand up to turn around to face me while giving me his sweet smile.
“I make your favourite tea and cake papa.” He smiled and let go of his thing then give me a hug. I really miss my old man. “for a 55 year old man, you sure still strong,” when I say strong he really is considering his well built body.

I took my seat while pouring us the tea I made. My dad went in to wash his hands from all the dirt he got while gardening. He loves gardening, in fact all the flowers and fruits at our backyard is all his because my mom really loves it so much. We lost my mom when I was 5 years old, dad said that his enemy in business was the one who kidnapped me then killed my mom. I was saved by him but he lost his beloved wife. We all felt devastated, my dad became distant for a year but then he realized that he shouldn’t be like that so we moved here to New York to start a new life.

He focused all of his life to me and Liam, not even bothered to find a woman. He said he was afraid that we couldn’t care for ourselves if he find a new wife but me and Liam knows better that he still love my mom dearly. Dad even be more protective especially about me, that’s why Liam, David and Josh are like my guardian or something, they always keep an eye for me. I mean, shouldn't Liam the one who need protection, he's the youngest not me.

“What were you thinking dear?” I snapped out of my reverie and look at my dad while he take his seat.

“Nothing special, just how over protective you are,” I eyed him teasingly. He just smile then take a sip of his tea. “It’s for pro-“

“Protection. I know” I cut him and sigh. “it’s just those three really over react papa especially Liam and Josh . At least David knows that I’m older than them” I complained. I can be a bit spoiled princess, not a bit, always. “I know what happened to you these days, not too detail but I know. I just want you to know I respect you privacy and choices dear but when if it is about your safety, I would have to step up.” Shock is an understatement but by looking at my dad’s serious expression right now, I know he’s doing the best for me.
“but papa…………..” I whined. “Don’t you papa me princess, I’m serious, that stupid doctor is enough for you. I don’t want another drama.” I laughed at his statement, my dad too. We’re both knows my story with that “expert” is a drama, with all heartbreaking, crying and punching.
“I know right, haha. My boys are too adorable when they act all tough like that.”

“They are tough, you just don’t see it” he smiled knowingly. We then talk about random topics before get back to the gardening again. At night we would go out together to explore new restaurant for dinner, it’s been our habit whenever Liam or me visit him.

The next day, I woke up feeling so energetic, today I would go to the charity centre which I always visit to volunteer. I’m not saint but it’s a way to fill my activities with useful things. I wear oversized shirt with legging and a pair of sneakers. I get down for breakfast with my dad and then went out using my dad’s old truck. For a rich man he do have expensive cars but I really love his truck because he said that my mom choose this truck for their first date. By the time I reach there I already saw volunteers busy preparing the food.

“Leah!” I look at the person who called me. wide grin form on my face as I run towards the person and give him the strongest hug that I can give. “I can’t breathe honey” he choked out his words.

“Oh grandpa, I miss you a lot” I release my deathly hug and look at the old man in his early 70 in front of me. “you almost crack my old bones Leah” he joked and I laughed at him. “Yeah right,” I retorted. “Come, let’s get started” he said excitedly to me as we go to help what we could help. I would cook my famous soup that my dad taught me, clean all the dishes, also giving people the food. Even grandpa did the same thing as he claims he still strong enough to do it. After hours, we finished our  job, now I was resting under a big tree beside the building when grandpa come approaching me.

“you okay?” he asked. I nodded smiling at him as he takes his place beside me, we both enjoying the calm environment around us. “grandpa, how do we know if we like someone?” I asked him after a long comforting silence. He looked at me, surprised at my sudden outburst. I feel embarrass for asking like that. He chuckled “why? Found a new one already?” he asked. “grandpa…” whining again, I swear I like to whine a lot. He then chuckled more for my reaction. “well, you will feel the same way like when you first met with that ex of yours” he said that as a matter a fact.

"Well I didn't, is it because I made myself a fool in front of him grandpa?" yeah maybe. grandpa seems to be thinking then he look at me and say, "try to think like this, is this man makes you feel bubbly, trembling, or nervous? Is he himself makes you feel different feeling than that ex of yours?". Yes he did, I don't know what is it but I'm 100% sure this is different than before. "Just think about it Leah, okay I need to go home now I'll see you next time dear," he said that while standing up and stretching "ugh..I swear I'm getting old, you should stop bringing me to sit under this tree Leah" we laughed at his joke. Then he slowly walk away but he stops and turn around,

" my offer still there for my beautiful granddaughter, if your brothers can beat any man who breaks your heart, I can too even if I look wrinkly but I'm a strong man". I nodded and smile at him as he went to go home.

Grandpa John isn't my biological family but he treats me as his family since we met at the soup kitchen two years ago. Besides my old man, he's also my favourite but my family never met him, they just know him from my stories because grandpa is a private person, he told me himself that he prefer that no one knows about our relationship. He even told me he's a powerful man so it's best if we keep it low. I think it's a joke because he's so humble and loves me a lot beside his only grandson but I respect his choice. Until now I would meet him when there's any volunteering needed.

I didn't realize it's sunset already, that's my cue to go home.

#sorry for the long chapter, I want her weekend to be spent in only 1 part. hehe

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