Last chapter [part 1]

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Merry christmas everybody!!!🌲🌲Happy new year 2018🎉🎉. It was an honor for me to have anyone out there to read #hwnf and as we reached the end of 2017 I would like to end this year by posting the last chapter. Thanks for all the waitings and supports that I've received throughout the year. Before reading this chapter, I strongly suggest to you to read the last two chapters before this. Enjoy~~~

Leah :

"Sis, come and join us. Why are you standing there?" Liam called me to come and sit with them, while David and Josh were busy playing poker beside him.

"Rather than joining them, you better go and help Ian over there princess," out of nowhere dad appeared. When I looked at him, he was smiling at me for a moment before he went to join the boys.

"Jellyface...." I turned my head to see Ian who's looking at me curiously while he's grilling the steaks. "Are you okay? I asked for hotdogs but it sure took you a long time." I was truly puzzled by him but when he pursued his lips, I noticed I was holding a plate of hotdogs. I was flustered so without wasting any time, I quickly went to him and give him the plate. He thanked me before continuing to grill the foods. I watched him while thinking if this is just a dream. I turned my eyes back to my dad and my brothers that were joking around and somehow, it feels real. "What are you thinking of Jellyface?" Ian suddenly went up to me and hugged me from behind, I close my eyes savouring his warmth.

"If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up Teddy."

I jolted up from the bed with beads of sweat all over my face and my eyes were wide opened in alarm. I sighed as I saw the same visual in my surrounding. I feel so hurt and battered, my hands wipe out the sweats and after that I just sat there thinking about the dream I had. I dreamt of him. The dream somehow left an unsettling feelings in my heart, so I took a deep breath to ease it down but instead I felt an immense pain right down to my core. My upper body was numb. My fingers went carefully reached the painful wound under my left collarbone. I winced in pain as my fingers touch the surface of the burning wound. It brought back the dark memories that will forever haunt me.

"What are you doing? Please don't, I beg you. Please....." I begged him relentlessly. I was tied up on a chair inside another room that they brought me into right after I woke up from my sleep.

Kevin looked at me without any emotion but I noticed there's a glimpse of sympathy before it vanishes. "I'm sorry Love, I don't want to hurt you but I have to. I need to mark you to show to the others that you're mine, SOLELY MINE." He smirked.

"Why me? Why it has to be me?" I cried weakly as my gaze keep on changing between him and the fireplace.

"Because he took you from me!" He suddenly threw the gun in his hand onto the floor and I was really startled by his sudden change of emotion. "Because he fucking betrayed me!" I gulped.

"He doesn't even love me!" I tried to convince him but he only smirked in response.

"Oh trust me love, you're his 'Achilles heel'." His hands gently petting my head as he looked straight into my eyes. "You're a damn big bonus to my plan. I just want to torture him and make you mine. Simple as that."

This time my face was literally wet because of my tears and sweats that were already mixed together and I was trembling. Vigorously shaking my head a few times, I was hoping he would change his mind, "Please Kevin, I'm begging you....." Desperation was really clear in my voice. My breath hitched when I saw one of his men handed the burning metal to him, I could feel the blazing heat emitted from that thing. I gulped in pure horror, I turned my gaze from the thing to him, "I wouldn't be able to stand it! Please!" I keep on thrashing on the chair hoping that I could escape but my wrists only becoming redder and bruises were formed all over it.

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