Chapter 10 - Phase One of OGDBIBDA.

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  • Dedicated to ALL MY AWESOME VOTERS!!

(Picture of Ashley)


Chapter 10 - Phase One of OGDBIBDA.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing through my ears. I pressed the 'dismiss' button and read the bright red numbers. 8:30. I looked over my shoulder, expecting to find Tequan there but he wasn't. Blah, he's in class. He better have left the car like he promised he would.

I groggily got out of bed, grabbed my towels, and went to shower. I was in a rush so I took a quick fifteen-minute shower. I left my hair in its natural state, curly, and headed to the walkin-in-closet. I picked out a pair of grey sweat pants with a plain white-t. I slipped on my black and white Adida slippers and headed down the hall to get Ne'Vaeh ready to go to my dads house.

He had agreed to watch them since the guys were out doing Groomsmen stuff and the girls are obviously doing Brides Maid stuff. He already had his tux fixed and fitted so he didn't have anything else to do.

We still weren't on speaking terms which I plan to fix soon. I don't like not hearing his voice and it's making me feel extremely guilty that I hurt him as bad as I did. I did not think it would effect him as much as it has.

After I dressed and fed Ne'Vaeh, it was 9:45. I still had 15 minutes until I had to be a David's Bridal. I dropped Ne'Vaeh off at my dads house. He answered the door and took her, slamming the door in my face, not bothering to mutter a word or letting me see my son. It hurt.

It took a lot to keep myself from crying while I was driving to David's Bridal. I gave to make things right with him and fast.

When I arrived at David's Bridal, I parked and locked my car and headed inside. I immediately spotted Ashley searching a rack for dresses.

Walking up behind her, I tapped her shoulder. She quickly turned around, startled, as her eyes went wide. When she realized it was me, she instantly relaxed and grinned.

"Ah!" Ashley squealed, engulfing me into a bone crushing hug. "You made it!"

I hugged her back, smiling. "Of course! I'm the Maid of Honor! I wouldn't miss it for the world."

She chuckled softly, "That's true! My friends should be here any minute. Traffic from their hotel is holding them back but you can start looking at the racks. They are all sample dresses and we can get the real dresses in the color theme for the wedding." She explained.

I nodded, "Sounds good."

The rack she was searching through, held only wedding dresses which I'm obviously not looking for, so I headed to another rack.

After about twenty minutes, I had a total of three dresses to choose from that I really liked. I wanted to try them on. Last time I checked, I was a size eight in dresses, but I always had to get them fitted for my breast and ass size because I'm curvier than the average size eight.

I searched for Ashley, and found her towards the back where the dressing rooms were. She was standing on the platform looking into one of the many huge mirrors they had.

She had on a cream-colored gown. It was strapless and the bottom half of it took off in waves from the waist down. It wasn't to wide at the bottom like the traditional gown, but she made it work. A cornflower blue ribbon sat just below her breasts and I'm guessing that is her color theme. Cornflower blue is a beautiful color and she just make is flawless. (It really is. It was my sisters wedding theme!)

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