Chapter VI: Photo

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You are sitting on the black long sofa. Jongup been busy reading his book with A Philosophy of Evil written on the cover.

He didn't tie your hands nor blindfolded you like his people done to you before. You are free.
Nobody in this room though, only you and him.

This room is different than the other one. As you can see, this room is quite neat.
Long black sofa, a table full of fruits and some other foods (Chocolates, breads, sweets), some cans of beer and bottles from varieties brand of alcohol. Also this room is in red with bright lamps. Even you can see bookshelf and brand new laptop. Very different from the room you were before.

You guessed this is Jongup's private room.

But, is he lived here? Or he just make it like one of room of his house? You are wondering those all until Jongup clear his throat and you move a little bit from your place you were sit.

"Are you sleepy?" Jongup asked without looking at you. His eyes are still focused on the book page he read.

"Uh, no"

He close his books and stand up, "Sleep here. This is my private room, no one will enter except me"

You are surprised. Did he read your mind or what?

Before Jongup leaves you, you are trying to stop him by saying you are okay. He can stay here if he wants.

"Where are you going? You can stay here and read your book. I'm fine"

He glare at you, "Don't tell me what to do! Now sleep, that's not even a question so just do it. I'll be in my work room. And don't you ever think to escape because you can't. Useless. I spread my people in the whole building" He shows his smirk again and leave you alone in this room.

You watching him walked until he exit the room and
you totally alone now. Alone in the place that really strange to you.

You are walking back and forth in this room. Thinking way to escape. But how?
You are like in the 7th floor of building and if you see the view from the window to the ground, there is nothing you can hang with. You jump, you die.

Escape from the door is a big no. There are several bodyguard in this building, that is like you are going to suicide.

Your room is in the end of the hall and Jongup is in the opposite of your room. You open the door, peeking if any of bodyguard in this hall or not.
As you can see, two people standing in front of Jongup's room.

"Shit" You mumble.

You walk into his table, so many frames stand there. You trace the photos one by one and you spot one photo that very attract your eyes.

That is a photo of Jongup with a man, seems like in the winter. They wearing a coat, standing next to each other and smiling. What a good day you think.

A question starting comes to your mind. Who is that man? They are look so close. Is he his best friend? That is means, another mafia or he is family of Jongup? Whoever he is, he looks nice if you compare to Jongup. Well, maybe.

Your eyes are teary, you were yawned a couple times before so you decide to sleep now.
You don't know what will happen in the next day but you'll be safe as long as you follow what Jongup said. You keep telling that to yourself as you try to make yourself as calm as you can.

You position yourself lay back on the black sofa, look up the roof. You put your right hand in your forehead and your left hand at the top of your tummy.
Slowly close your eyes and before you realise, you fall asleep immediately.

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