Chapter 7 part 2 Madness

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I hesitantly showed Sergio the message I had received earlier that day, and fiddled with a strand of my hair while he read it over silently.

"That's not from me." He murmured urgently, almost to himself.

"Wait, what? You didn't send it?" I asked, suddenly alarmed, taking my phone back from him.

I had thought it was Sergio the whole time, but I wanted to wait for a confirmation from him before assuming things; he was the only person who called me beautiful.

He looked at the message on the phone in my hand, unsure, "no, I didn't" he said lowly.

 I looked into his brown eyes, my hands shaking slightly as panic set in, "then who sent it? Wait, if you didn't send it then, why are you here?"

"I came over because you didn't show up to school today and I...-" he mumbled something under his breath while scratching the back of his head shyly and looking away.

"What was that last bit?" I asked smugly and I smirked at his quickly reddening face.

"I missed you." He muttered and looked over at me, narrowing his eyes, clearly feeling betrayed as I stifle a giggle.

I laughed before eating a chip and closing my eyes as I leaned my head back against the couch, and I sighed, "who is this guy?" I interrogated the silence.

What if this was from the black wolf I had met in the woods outside my house at night, or the other, blond wolf from the other night. I hadn't told anyone about the other night yet; I didn't know what I'd even say. I haven't quite figured it out myself yet. I wondered to myself quietly, staring up at the white ceiling, and I sighed.

"I don't know but I'll find him, and when I do..-" he stopped talking and looked away, his eyes blazing furiously.

"What? Sergio, you barely even know me, why are you getting so protective? It's not like the text was any kind of threat towards me. If anything, whoever it was may have been trying to be nice to me." I replied, confused about his sudden anger.

"Katherine, it's been made very clear to me how people in this pack treat you. You don't look people in they eyes, and you sit in the back of the class room for every class. What about that asshole that tripped you in the hallway, was that first time? If you don't know who sent this message and they want to hurt you, who will protect you?" he sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm his anger, as he finished.

I looked at the floor quietly for a few minutes, "Sergio, I am not worth worrying about, okay? There is a reason people don't like me. If I need protection then I can just hide here at home like I did today. I may not know who sent the message but, if it was some kind of practical joke from my pack then I ruined it before it could go bad. Really, don't worry about me. If people find out you hung out with me at my house you'll be shunned."

Sergio began to shake slightly, the anger rising inside his body and I moved away from him in fear. I was scared he would hit me out of anger, but instead Sergio suddenly wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me out of my rant and into into his lap.

"Um, what's going-" he shushed me mid-sentence and put his face in the croon my neck still shaking, closing his eyes before inhaling my scent and sighing.

"I need you to calm down my wolf before I kill the people who have hurt you so badly you don't think you're worth human decency and go hunting for whoever sent that message." He grunted angrily, his voice quietly muffled in my hair.

I sat, shocked and confused, as Sergio's strong scent filled my nose like smoke filling a room. Wow, he just said that to me. I don't know how to feel about him giving me so much attention; he really cares about me. I had never stopped to wonder about it, but how did he even get my address to come profess all these things to me? I wonder if Rowan gave it to him thinking things would get hot and steamy, but here we are angry and afraid instead. I thought to myself silently, my cheeks slightly reddening from the thought of being sexual with him in any way. Sergio sat with his arms around me and his face in the croon of my neck, just holding me, for a while.

"Um, Sergio?" I asked slowly, trying to not move too much and disturb him.

He grunted in reply, and his hot breath fanned my neck making me stifle a shudder.

"Sergio." I repeated, more sternly.

"What" he asked finally, and moved even closer into the croon of my neck as I sighed to myself and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Move." I commanded stubbornly.

He groaned, quietly grunting out " no."

I tried to move away and he grabbed me roughly, "you're staying right here with me." he said childishly.

I laughed a little, still confused by his possessive behavior, and moved around in his lap impatiently, "but I gotta pee," I reply pouting a little and he immediately looked up into my eyes very seriously, his deep brown eyes mesmerizing me.

"Hold it." He said and smirked to himself, turning to look at what I had been watching on the TV.

I groaned, finally fed up with his absurd behavior, and moved away from his grasp, earning a complaint from my captor. I stood from the grey couch we'd been resting on and walked to the bathroom next to my bedroom down the hall and into my bathroom. After doing my business, I came back out and watched him sitting on the couch watching the show I had been enjoying before his unwelcomed visit. I wondered to myself what I was ever going to do with him. He took notice of me staring at him, leaning against the wall with my arms crossed against my chest, and smirked at me. He was so full of himself, I had to wonder where all his confidence came from. Life must have been easier looking as attractive as he did, and I silently wished I could be close to as attractive as I thought he was. He watched me as I quietly entered the room and sat as far away from him on the couch as I physically could.

He pouted like a child whos toy was taken, and pulled me into his lap again, "okay then" I muttered

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