Chapter 13 part 2 Wildest Nightmare

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I grabbed a granola bar from a cabinet in the kitchen that I later threw into my backpack and led Rowan out to the garage. I guessed I would have been able to park there for another week because of my parents' meeting in California. I slid into the driver's seat and inserted the key into the ignition before the car roared to life and Rowan shut the passenger side door. I pulled out of the driveway and turned on the radio before rolling down my window. The wind blew my blond locks around the car and the cool air nipped at my cheeks. Normally my wolf would have been happy to feel the breeze but she remained silent. I could feel her resting idly in the back of my mind, her depression and sadness remained a stone in my chest right next to mine. I pulled into the parking lot of the school and searched for an open spot; Rowan looked over at me, her hazel eyes were filled with concern.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked quickly.

I looked over at her, a blond curl falling into my face, "I have to. If I don't then what am I supposed to do? Give up without trying?" I asked and parked my black camero in a spot not far from my usual place.

She sighed, hopping out of the car, and I joined her, shutting my door. I locked my car and looked over at her. I was honestly freaking out on the inside, wishing I had just stayed home and gave into my depression. What if this didn't work? She smiled sympathetically and grabbed my hand, squeezing it encouragingly. We walked to the front doors where a group of glaring girls stood, getting curious and hungry stares all the way to the entrance from boys in the parking lot. Two guys that had been talking to the group of girls opened the doors for us and we both smiled sweetly, entering the big school building. I walked to my locker, secretly looking around the hallway for Michael or Sergio and finding myself disappointed. After I'd grabbed my things for first period I shut the metal door and locked my locker. I looked over Rowan and she turned to walk with me. We strutted to class, Rowan giggling flirtatiously with all the guys who tried to talk to her, and we took our seats. All the males in the classroom continued to stare at us and the girls glared at Rowan as she laughed at a joke the guy next to her said.

Damn. Who knew what a curl and a little make up could do? We both looked at each other and while I blushed at the attention, she laughed excitedly. The bell rang, signaling the beginning of class and I couldn't help but notice Michael's absence. Probably making out with some slut in a closet somewhere. My wolf assures me and I sighed.Yeah.... I hope not. I replied and look down at my desktop. Rowan noticed his absence as well and reached over to squeeze my hand, smiling an encouraging smile. I smiled back weakly and focused on class, wondering where Sergio had gone. They both should have been to class yet neither of them walked through the door.

School passed quickly, full of hungry stares and guys coming out of the blue being nice to me. Michael was absent all morning, and so was Sergio. Finally it was lunch time and I went to get my lunch from the line. Suddenly Michael and his loud friends burst through the cafeteria doors laughing and being rowdy with each other and my heart stuttered in my chest as I watched him laughing. I tried to hide my pain as I looked back at the cafeteria lady who had handed me a chicken sandwich wrapped in foil. I placed the sandwich onto my tray and moved down the line, the girls behind me in line giggling to themselves about how hot the alpha's kid was. I sighed to myself, rolling my eyes, and sat my lunch tray down at the table Rowan had claimed for us. I felt hot eyes on my back and I looked behind me to find Michael staring hungrily at my body. I faked a smirk and sat down, flicking my hair out of my face, knowing my ass was being eyed like a piece of meat. I rolled my eyes and laughed at something rowan said: something about how he looked like a dog looking at his owner's food. I laughed more, adding some kind of snarky comment, and peeled the foil off my sandwich before I ate a small bite of my sandwich.

I didn't really feel like eating, but I needed to keep up the act that I felt fine. Normally when I felt depressed I wouldn't eat for days except maybe a snack here and there. It was easy to deprive my body of food because my parents were never home to notice, and Rowan usually didn't realize I hadn't eaten because I would excuse it claiming the cafeteria food was gross that day. Today was one of those days, but I couldn't let Michael know how badly he had gotten to me. He wouldn't fall for our scheme if he knew I was secretly so numb and empty I could barely pay attention to the world around me. So what if I had lost a few pounds from starving myself? If anything this would make me slimmer and more attractive, right?

I eventually got up to throw away my food and return my tray at the trash can after an appropriate amount of time and I decided to initiate stage 2 of our plan. I panned the cafeteria and noticed a cute brunette with soft shaggy hair sitting near the door that led out to the outdoor seating. I smirked a little at the quiet wolf and he blushed a light rose color.

This would be easy.

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