Chapter 29: Dear Future Victim

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Vote for this book please!! This is my second time writing this chapter. I thought it had saved but it hadn't so here we go again😂😂 do you think I should title all my chapters? Comment!
************************************ I land another swift punch to the old oak tree in front of me. Dark bark splintering off the surface of the great oak. I give a satisfying grunt as I square up and spin for a powerful roundhouse kick. I need to be prepared. I've been this way since I first started training. Whenever I feel powerless and don't know what to do, instead of talking it out, I train it out.

Scars on my arms and fists are evidence to prove this fact. I blow a strand of my blond hair, sticking to the sweat, out of my face as I get back into stance to throw another punch.
A twig snapping behind me brought me out of my training centered thoughts. I spin, ready to deliver the punch of a lifetime.
John throws his hands out in front of himself, "Hey calm down there tiger. Jeeze you're like a mother African Lion devouring a wild gazelle on her time of the month." He mutters.

I glare at him, "For all you know, I am wild." I turn back to the old tree, a small pile of broken pieces of bark at my feet.
The tree looked like it had been through a tornado and somehow survived. Deep puncture wounds up and down the tree, like a knife and a few rocks had been hurtled towards it.
I back away and concentrate on the earth around me. Closing my eyes and trying to feel the earth in my veins, calling out to me. Slowly a few pebbled lifted off the forest floor around me. I concentrated harder on lifting the rocks, and a few larger rocks lifted amongst the pebbles.

With all the force I could muster, I heaved the rocks and pebbles towards the tree, focusing on one specific area at the trunk of the oak. The heaps of earth flew to the tree with a great force, causing a splintering effect on the bark.
I smirk and my smile fades as I realise why I would even have to train my powers. The reason I ache inside, like a hollow cavern, empty and dark.

I freeze in place as an anger spreads through me, like a hot lava spilling down a volcano. I close my eyes and stretch out my arms, my palms facing the dark earth. Suddenly the ground around me shook with intense force, as if the earth were to be mourning. Deep shudders of shaking rage. My anger rising to a higher extent. How dare anyone even try to harm me and my kind.
The ground below my feet crumbled as I rose above the shaking earth. Large boulders and rocks lifting with me.
Suddenly an immense pain, shocked through my body. I gasped and screamed, as the air snapped and crackled with electricity. Shockwaves of pain rolling in waves filling my chest as I clutch my fists and pull the earth to me powerfully. My eyes burning.

Centered on my rage, I hadn't noticed John on the ground, calling out to me. Soon my screams of anguish and pain turn to cries of sadness and mourning. My parents. Lost and afraid. Somewhere looking for me. What if they're dead? Or worse. What if they're kidnapped?

I soon find myself crumpled on the silent forest floor. On my knees sobbing for my losses. My smiling father, always so happy. My stubborn beautiful mother.

A shadow knelt beside me, and rubbed soothing circles on my back slowly as I cried. Feeling weak, I stopped crying and stood. I hug John and look at him, determination clear.

"What was that. I was so full of rage and suddenly all he'll broke loose." I ask, looking at my hands.
"That was a power surge. Linda has had a few." John rubs his temples and looks over at me.

"Let's start with water. It's the as with your earth power. Just feel the water running in your veins. Cool, swift, smooth. Feel the concentration." He says determination clear in his gravelly voice.
I do as instructed and close my eyes. Now focusing on what he is saying, the pull in my veins, the swift stir of the water around me. I concentrate on gathering water from around me, off the plants near by, the small puddles from the recent storm.

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