Chapter 17 part 1 Escape

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After standing in the kitchen, while Alpha Thomas cut his watermelon, deep in my thoughts the sound of the knife slamming into the cutting board pulled me from my thoughts. After a moment, I noticed I hadn't replied to his sarcastic comment and I tried to think of something funny to say.

"No, I enjoy staring hungrily at my food while someone cuts watermelon" I said sarcastically, and a little harshly.

I realized, painfully, that wolves of a lower rank do not ever speak to their superiors in that manor. Ever. I backed away slowly, waiting for the ferocious attack, but it never came. I looked up startled, as he began laughing at me. Wait what. He's laughing?

"Hey that's not funny!" I shrieked and pouted, looking at him childishly.

 I didn't even care anymore. Let him think lowly of me. I don't care, I thought to myself. He was not going to be able to keep up his fake nice charade for long. He'd ban me from his pack if he didn't kill me for being unable to fight. This dark thought calmed me and put me back in a sour mood. I sighed as my anxieties heightened once again and noticed a backdoor across the room to my left. If I could slowly make my way over to the door, without his noticing, maybe I could get a head start. If I ran and used my powers he wouldn't catch me. I'd been itching to get out for a while, since I woke up in the hospital room. What will he think of me?  He'd think I'm a savage rogue who'd lied; he'd think I was ungrateful for him sparing my life. What if he caught up with me after I tried to escape? I didn't want to know what would happen if he caught me trying to leave his pack territory without reason. I slowly slunk towards the door.

"So uh, alpha Thomas." I said slowly.

"Please, call me Payton." He replied, still slicing the watermelon, not paying any attention.

I continued to slowly walk to the white door, "okay, Payton" I said and looked back at the small door after checking to see if he'd noticed my movements.

He nodded, "ask me anything my dear," he said and smiled down at his fruit.

"Um okay." I stared at his back as he finished chopping up the melon.

"Are the stories true?" I asked, standing still.

He flinched a little and turned away from me, throwing away the watermelon's outer layer. I felt the door handle, cool and smooth, under my hand and I slowly turned it. Payton turned back to his fruit and grabbed his knife. I silently hoped he didn't notice my hand on the door, nor my change in place from the entryway to the other side of the room. He didn't say anything except," depends on the story," and I bit my lip.

 "What do you do about rouges who escape?" I asked slowly, as I turned the door handle all the way and started to open the door.

Suddenly a kitchen knife was thrown across the room and ti sailed toward my head. I screamed and moved just enough to miss the knife's kiss to my skin.

"Are you crazy?!" I screamed and threw open the door, sprinting across the large yard.

Cursing the hot sun, I ran as fast as I could to the forest beyond the pack grounds before I was suddenly tackled to the ground by a large reddish blond wolf. I squirmed and tried to get away, but he was too strong.

"Let me go! You tried to kill me!" I shrieked and tried to roll out from under the heavy wolf.

Payton growled and shoved me back under him. Suddenly a dark brown haired boy ran up to us, and I quickly noticed that this was no boy. He had big broad shoulders, dark brown eyes, and sickly pale skin. His hair was cut to look as if he was in the marines, and he had a natural blush that instantly made me jealous.

He started yelling at me, "Alpha says to stay still or die," his deep voice echoed around me.

I stopped struggling, "fine, but big bad alpha has to get the hell off me and explain why he tried to kill me!" I yelled back childishly.

He sighed and looked at his alpha, "Payton you can't just-" he stopped talking and rolled his eyes.

"Well I can tell her that but, I have a feeling she wants this explanation from you." He crossed his pale arms and his white shirt tightened around his biceps.

Suddenly the heavy weight was lifted off my chest and I took a deep breath, finally able to breathe again. Payton gave me a strict look and trotted back into the house as I rubbed my elbow that had been slammed onto the ground when he tackled me.

"He says to follow him and he'll explain" the man said, lowering an arm to help me up.

I rolled my eyes and stood up on my own.

"I'm Chase by the way. You'll meet my mate, Emily, on your way in. She's the one who gave you the clothes you're wearing" He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes yet again and headed back inside through the open kitchen door, Alpha Thomas's behavior and a minor concussion confusing me. I'd known he had said I could leave any time I wanted, but I hadn't entirely believed him. His behavior had been so back and forth, nice then distant, and I had seen this behavior before in my old pack. People pretended to be my friend before making me look like an idiot or trying to hurt me. I had guessed later on that the pack members of my old pack had thought if I was injured I wouldn't show up to training or school. I walked into the kitchen, the watermelon still sat on the counter and filled the room with a sweet scent, and I wondered if Alpha Thomas was going to be as emotionally abusive as my last pack.

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