First Day

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I woke up with a start and slammed my hand down on my phone. Scrambling I managed to turn the alarm off. For a minute I had forgotten the move but it soon came back to me. That dream I had was really weird but it felt familiar somehow. It almost like I had actually known that guy but I couldn't place where I had seen him from.

Getting up I went over to a bag of clothes and pick up the shirt that was on top. I quickly slipped it over my head and put some pants on. Looking in the mirror, I saw that I resembled a homeless person. My silver hair was everywhere, my eyes were bloodshot from so little sleep, the shirt I choose happen to have been my XL band tee, and it didn't help that I have naturally really pale skin. Checking the time, I hurriedly tried to straighten my hair with water and threw my black sweater over my head. Only twenty minutes until school started. Looks like no breakfast for me today. I ran downstairs, out the door, into my car, and backed out of the driveway.

I made it to the school at 7:56. "Tomorrow I will have to wake up earlier," I told myself as I walked up to what I hoped was the office.

Stepping into the building, I made my way up to the counter where a lady was sitting. "How may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked me.

"I'm new here and I need a schedule. My mom called yesterday." I nervously looked down at the counter and played with my hands.

"Oh, you must be Ben Sterling right?" She said after a minute of typing away at the computer.


"Just a moment I'll get all of your papers." She got up and walked into a different room. I heard the bell ring and everyone started going to their classes. By the time she came back, the second bell had already rung and the announcements were over.

"Okay here you go." She handed me some papers.

"Thank you." I quickly replied as I started to walk away.

Calling after me she half shouted, "Would you like someone to show you around the school and where all your classes are?"

"That would be nice." I smiled.

She smiled back and went over to a nearby desk. Picking up the phone she called someone down to the office. Soon a girl was standing by me. "This is Abby, she is the leader of S2S."

"Hi. It's nice to meet you what's your name?" She smiled at me.

"I'm Ben. Its nice to meet you too." She was about four inches shorter then me and had light brown hair, which she had up in pigtails. Her eyes were a chocolate color and she had a band of freckles across her cheeks. All around she was super cute.

"Can I see your schedule? I will show you to your classes first." She held out her hand to me.

"Okay," I handed her a paper then she started to walk down the hall. I quickly followed her.

After the tour she gave me the paper back and walked me to my first period. "Thanks," I managed to say. "This has been really nice."

"Don't mention it, it's kind of my job." With that she walked away. I looked at her sort of confused; she was so nice back at the office but as the tour started she became all business like. Ohh well some people are more stuck up then others. I walked into the class and started my day.

Everyone seemed really nice to me and the day was almost over. I had survived without incident up until seventh period. That's when I accidentally crashed into someone.

I was walking into seventh when I tripped over somebody's bag then went flying into the guy in front of me. We had both ended up on the ground and people were starring at us. Many of them started to whisper about something. The guy had landed on his stomach and I was on his back. I quickly got up and held my hand out. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry." Almost immediately I heard people gasp and look disgusted at me. These people are super weird about some things. I didn't realize that accidents were treated like crimes here.

"I do NOT need YOUR help!" His face was twisted with rage and hatred. I was taken aback by this. How could someone I just met hate me so much? I hadn't even seen this kid before and he is yelling at me like I killed his puppy. He got up and stormed into class, leaving me confused staring off into space. After I  recomposed myself, i walked into class after him. Ever since that moment everyone ignored me. When I was trying to talk to everybody they just pretened I did not exist. This was not the first day that I had wanted. I wonder what made them suddenly change their attitude towards me?

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